Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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31/10/2023 - Vocal n° 62 - 01:30:20 :20: Tools and objects to take to find the pile-pile

(Q - Xavier: And so my 2nd quick question, earlier, you answered the young lady about the rope, you told her that we didn't need it in big, Why in this case are you asking us to take rope and stakes from our little bag if we don't need them?)

MB: Listen to me, my principle is, when I go camping or when I go on a small expedition where I don't know where the weather can betray me or I don't know what, I have the habit of taking the clothing that fits well, shoes, boots, whatever you want that is adapted to the terrain where I am going to go and even if it means making a trip which apparently, for a certain number of owls represents a great distance, well I'm trying not to forget anything, so I take my compass, my stakes, my string, my pickaxe, my shovel, my map, my book, that's my number 2 owl as far as I'm concerned.

(Q - Xavier: The map so we agree that potentially…)

MB: No, but wait, I don't want to be made to say what I didn't say, because now you're interrupting me. I just heard a comment and I can't respond to it. I'm not saying you need the card. I say if I am a researcher, especially if I travel by car, I put everything in my car, that way I tell myself if I need something, I have it on hand, that's the principle , including the compass, including everything you want, the lamp, the snack, the sandwich, everything you want.

(Q - Skybears: The map just like the compass?)

MB: Yes, wait, when I say that, I put myself in your shoes. I put myself in your place and I say to myself, well, I have a map, I have a book, I have a compass, I have a shovel, I have a pickaxe, I have my map, I I have a raincoat, I have boots, I put everything in my car, I have always said and I repeat that the card will be of no use to you in terms of the last solution…

(Q - Saïdparis: More is better than not enough!)

MB: Exactly, that’s exactly the principle, that’s what I’m trying to tell you!

(Q - Saïdparis: More is better than not enough!)

MB: There you go, the cord we were talking about earlier, the stakes, the things, the sardines, whatever you want, take them, like that, if you need them, you have them on hand and then that's all!

(Q - Skybears: Of course we're not going to put the stakes on the map but...)

MB: Nobody is perfect…

(Q - Skybears: But going to put the stakes in a certain place, can we have any use for the card?)

MB: No, honestly, the map, no, no, I don't think it's useful…

(Q - Aladore: But basically we could cut the card short by saying is there a 2nd card that is mentioned in the solutions?)
(Q - Saïdparis: But he said no, he said no!)
(Q - Aladore: If he said no, there is no longer any need to discuss it if he said no…)

MB: I repeat to you once and for all that the 2nd card is the notion of belt and suspenders. For those who are not sure, those who say are you sure, really, is it really possible? Well yes, take the 2nd card like that you will be even safer, but frankly it's totally useless. The maps, whatever they are, no map will be useful on the spot.