(Q - Manuela: So, I have a quick question about the sentinels, I would like to know if they are represented in your paintings?)
MB: Well, they are represented..., at the time I painted the paintings, I didn't know the solutions, so actually in the 650, there are 3 people, we see 3 characters who, in my mind, at the time, my feverish artist's mind, completely activated, took on this appearance, so it is in this way that I represented them, but the paintings that I painted at the time when I painted them , I did not know the solutions, so we cannot say that I concretely represented the sentinels in my paintings. I made them appear this way, I imagined them.)
MB: Well, they are represented..., at the time I painted the paintings, I didn't know the solutions, so actually in the 650, there are 3 people, we see 3 characters who, in my mind, at the time, my feverish artist's mind, completely activated, took on this appearance, so it is in this way that I represented them, but the paintings that I painted at the time when I painted them , I did not know the solutions, so we cannot say that I concretely represented the sentinels in my paintings. I made them appear this way, I imagined them.)