(Q - Syn: I have a quick question about Pierrette. I would like to know if Pierrette has any gifts.)
MB: I want to receive it, I want to receive it…
(Q - Syn: That in particular of ubiquity?)
MB: Ah, that’s an interesting question, I’m a little sad because I have to answer you no. I would have liked to please you, to say yes, but I have to say no…
(Q - Syn: no, no, but it was very good. A positive or negative answer suits me very well.)
MB: So it’s no.
MB: I want to receive it, I want to receive it…
(Q - Syn: That in particular of ubiquity?)
MB: Ah, that’s an interesting question, I’m a little sad because I have to answer you no. I would have liked to please you, to say yes, but I have to say no…
(Q - Syn: no, no, but it was very good. A positive or negative answer suits me very well.)
MB: So it’s no.