(Q - Team60: You recently helped us with a little bit of a line on a card which was a priori, everyone knows it, but linked to the 560 and so now, the next step is the
link between the 560 and the 650. What do you plan to do about it?)
MB: Well, I plan to wait until you find the right solution. As things currently stand, you know, even if it doesn't seem obvious, I don't want to seem like I'm making fun of you, that's not the case, but even if it doesn't seem like it to you not blatant, I still gave a lot of information, a lot of information! When I see the amount of information that I have given, compared to the journey of a Max Valentin, I have given you much more information than a Max Valentin. What I have given you is considerable. But it takes time, there is a necessary time, there is an incubation time, there is a time of assimilation which is necessary for the good theories, the good solutions to emerge from all that. It takes time.
MB: Well, I plan to wait until you find the right solution. As things currently stand, you know, even if it doesn't seem obvious, I don't want to seem like I'm making fun of you, that's not the case, but even if it doesn't seem like it to you not blatant, I still gave a lot of information, a lot of information! When I see the amount of information that I have given, compared to the journey of a Max Valentin, I have given you much more information than a Max Valentin. What I have given you is considerable. But it takes time, there is a necessary time, there is an incubation time, there is a time of assimilation which is necessary for the good theories, the good solutions to emerge from all that. It takes time.