Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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31/10/2023 - Vocal n° 62 - 53:00 : End of hunt - “Extraordinary” term

(Q - Dany74: Hello Michel, I am new, I would like to intervene, I am Dany74. Hello Michel, just to say congratulations for the work you do, I am new to hunting , I played around with punctuation for a few years and now I'm getting back on track a little more because I'm having a little trouble getting to another hunt so that changes my mind. Well done on all the work you're doing. and that you have been leading there for 2, 3 years to resume this hunt I reviewed the whole story and all that, of everything that happened because I had lost sight of that a little and frankly, I. I have a lot of empathy for your current position and I find it great that you still intervene so regularly.)

MB: Thank you, thank you. But the story is not over.

(Q - Dany74: So I listened, so let me be clear, the curses are trash, the leftovers are trash. I listened to most of the Discord recordings that you have made, especially when you do it even on your birthday. It's still a beautiful gift that you give us.)
MB: 2 p.m. is historic, even I wonder how I did it.

(Q - Dany74: Seriously, so I, you could say that I have gone through everything you said. There is one little thing that surprised me. You said when the owl will be discovered, so I hope to transcribe what you said, the solution will be extraordinary. Is it in the sense that for 30 years, people have searched in all directions, as you said. , tons of gray matter which greatly helped Max Valentin for the Trésor D'Orval afterwards, and that all of this will bring back to something completely opposite to the solution. Is it in this state. mind that you used the word extraordinary for this solution )

MB: So I used the term extraordinary, therefore etymologically extraordinary, beyond the ordinary.
Afterwards, you just used the opposite term. I have never used the opposite term. Extraordinary, that means that in the minds of thousands of owls over the past 30 years, there has been created, how I would say, a horizon of possibilities, a panel of possible things, that's it. And then, well I think that the solution will be outside of this field of possibilities which has been defined by everyone for a very long time.

(Q - Dany74: Okay, so the ordinary in fact is all the mass of gray matter that has been cultivated for 30 years?)< br />
MB: So what's interesting when you think about that, I remain very attached to this approach to hunting because obviously, I have taken a certain distance from all that, but what continues to really fascinate me, to interest me, to excite me, it is the living part of this hunt, that is to say the owls, you in fact this community and I realize that the mechanisms which have worked for 30 years and which have made and caused the creation of groups which became clans, which became almost sectarian at one point. All these mechanisms, I said it without kidding, because I think it's true and I see that all these mechanisms are ultimately extremely complex.
And they all come from the totally virtual, totally invented character of Max Valentin. And that's really the parameter that fascinates me the most in this hunt because I was 43 years old, when I pressed the button, when I said OK I'm playing the owl and never at that moment I would not have suspected what is happening today. I couldn't see myself at 73 years old doing what I'm doing. For me it's absolutely amazing to experience this and so I inevitably look behind me, I say to myself, but what happened? How is it that you are here today, that you are with procedures, with completely angry guys, that you are with totally passionate people, that this story fascinates so many people, interests so many people, fascinates as many people. What happened behind all this?
So obviously, I try to analyze it, I try to tell it, I try to communicate it and what comes back like a leitmotif is indeed the character of Max Valentin. And I would say that today, if I had to summarize the character of Max, I would say the 2 strokes of genius, the 2 traits of genius of a Max Valentin, well indeed, it's the great solution, it's what we call the supersolution. It is this cache which is quite extraordinary. And then it is this character who gave the hunt so much scope, I would say, and so much relief. But at the same time, and this is the paradox of this story, it is linked to the fact, at the same time, that Régis Hauser died in 2009. If he were here today, hunting would no longer exist. , it would have ended in a procedure and it would have been completely sordid. He died, he disappeared and the character he invented, who was not particularly endearing or sympathetic at the time, becomes the, in quotes, the villain of the story, the character who makes it so that there is has an intrigue, there is depth, there is a passion, there is a whole story that has developed around that.