(Q - Hoshi: Good evening Michel, it's Hoshi. Are you well? I would like to ask you a question that has been bothering me for a while and perhaps other researchers, I suppose
What could without revealing anything of course, without a clue or anything but imagine that we discovered the trigger, we have the mechanism before our eyes, which I suppose surely has the entity.
but what is actually causing us to be stuck at this point?)
MB: So, you have just mentioned the entity, the famous entity, the poor entity. The entity that still suspects nothing, I assure you, the entity, it has developed an unstoppable logic. Superb logic, but logic, how shall I put it? It is a logic that arrives after so many others, after so many hypotheses that the entity did not think for a moment that it could be that, that in its logic, there was the key to this last solution. And she stopped there, I am very surprised myself and as I said, and I still think so. I think someone who gets to that stage is going to hit and something is going to happen. And since the time we have been talking about this entity, I think I have realized that it had once again arrived at a perfect logic on the way of approaching these figures and that it was in a certain way , without believing it, a little disillusioned. And so there it was, it stayed there.
MB: So, you have just mentioned the entity, the famous entity, the poor entity. The entity that still suspects nothing, I assure you, the entity, it has developed an unstoppable logic. Superb logic, but logic, how shall I put it? It is a logic that arrives after so many others, after so many hypotheses that the entity did not think for a moment that it could be that, that in its logic, there was the key to this last solution. And she stopped there, I am very surprised myself and as I said, and I still think so. I think someone who gets to that stage is going to hit and something is going to happen. And since the time we have been talking about this entity, I think I have realized that it had once again arrived at a perfect logic on the way of approaching these figures and that it was in a certain way , without believing it, a little disillusioned. And so there it was, it stayed there.