Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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31/10/2023 - Vocal n° 62 - 20:50 : End of game - Go dig or not

(Q - Zordiak: Thank you and so my question, it's one of the voices, you confirmed that you have to find the zone, after the sentries, after a change of gear, a click what, the way to use numbers and once we understand all that, well, we have to move, and by moving, we can be 100% sure.)

MB: So that’s an extremely interesting question that you just asked. Extremely interesting because I'm thinking about it a lot at the moment. I try to put myself in the shoes of owlers, including people who have been interested in hunting for a relatively short time, and I try to understand how they see things, and how I can respond honestly. to necessities and to what must be considered a necessity, in fact in history. So these are things that I've already said, but I'm going to say them again in a slightly more concise way.
My conviction today is that number one, the story of digging, of going to make your hole, well, I know that for many, it is an extremely enjoyable source of adrenaline etc... All that, I understand it. I've experienced it, so I know what we're talking about. However, well, there are imperatives today which make the thing more delicate and the goal for me of putting a solution verification system online is to avoid, on the one hand, many players having to do significant travel, to spend a lot of money on this game and to offer them an infinitely less expensive and much faster possibility of validating or invalidating their solution. The other aspect is to say that digging actually becomes something delicate today, because the legislation has evolved and that well, we cannot necessarily, we very quickly become illegal when we start making holes like that in nature.
And finally, when I think about everything that has been written, everything that has been said over 30 years about this game, and everything that should be considered important and necessary for players, I think that there is the notion and we cannot eliminate it, there is the notion of terrain. There is the notion of a place that we must find and of something that we must see, understand, analyze and use on site. In 1993, Max Valentin said that everything could be done from home and that you could understand everything from home. I maintain that it was possible, but certainly not easy at all. Today, it is much more so and what I want to get at is to say: some will be able, with the elements that they will be able to collect, well, we are talking about the Internet, obviously of all possible sources on the internet. With the elements that they will be able to collect, some are able to be certain, this is perhaps not the majority.
On the other hand, others will still need to go to their area, to their spot, to the place where they think the cache is, to see with their own eyes and understand what needs to be understood, and use what should be used, both cases can occur. So I can't eliminate for some, I was going to say the need to go there that I'm trying to eliminate. Although they are not within my remit, I am not a representative of the order, so I cannot formally prohibit anyone from doing what they want, but I strongly advise against going and digging holes because I think today this is really more what needs to be done. On the other hand, some will still need to travel, to go there and there, once there, they will say to themselves oh yeah yeah yeah, what I was thinking about actually, I can verify it, it's check, it is understandable and therefore OK, my solution is undoubtedly good.
A certain number of players will need to do this anyway, we can't eliminate it completely. Did I answer your question?

(Q - Zordiak: Yes, thank you very much.)