Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 23:40: Shared solutions from Chouetteurs

(Q - ??: you seem to divide the hunt into part ride and part cliff: is there a researcher who could share the good reasoning of the first part, would would you be in favor of such public sharing or opposed?)

MB : I have neither to be favorable nor opposed, that is not part of the possibilities of a game like this, it is not conceivable what you are telling me. That would mean I neutralize an entire part of the game and from there we will all tackle the Super Solution. You gave the impression of pushing players to share their solutions to try to reach a consensus. Of course, but it's not up to me to say at some point, okay, this is where it's happening and we're all attacking the Super Solution at the same time.

(Q - ??: My point is to say if someone published on a media like YouTube in video, a set of coherent, argued solutions which lead to the foot of the cliff and that it uses some of the visuals to which you have the rights, would you agree with this approach or not?)

MB : I don't mind if someone publishes, what I can't do is validate. I am not a fan of copyright or reproduction rights, what I am trying to do is to prevent this game from spreading in a parasitic way among a population of players who will not be able to claim the title of winner. It's normal when a publisher, a sponsor invests in an operation like that, there is the expectation of a financial return, profitable or not, from the sale of a certain number of books, so that's it. is the basis for understanding the thing. Beyond that, if we let it spread as has been the case for a number of years, I am obliged to react. But for people who participate honestly, I'm okay with posting solutions..

(Q - ?? – even for a partial publication it seemed normal to me to ask for your authorization to do so before publishing part of the annotated visuals for example) < br />
MB : you have my blessing, many people have already published, I think it’s very good like that.