Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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19/05/2023 - Vocal n° 59 - 16:00 : Construction of the hunt - No constraint linked to the find

(Q - Fabergé: I have a little question, which is quite specific as usual. You explained to us that Max Valentin started from his pile of hair, from his discovery, more easily to build his entire hunt. So I asked myself a question, was he even constrained in his writing of his first 9 enigmas, for example, by his discovery?)

MB: No, not at all, not at all. He was only concerned with leading the players to the right place and in this, he repeated what he had done in his Surprise Rallies.

(Q - Fabergé: but suddenly, we know that there is a discovery, we know that it triggers reflexes, that we tackled in the first 9 enigmas, so he must have tackled a …)

MB: It doesn't trigger reflexes. I never said it triggered reflexes. I said, the moment you need certain things that you found in the puzzles, it will be done reflexively. I didn't say that the solution would trigger reflexes.
If at any point you need an item that you would have found in previous puzzles, it will come by itself. It will come completely spontaneously.

(Q - Fabergé: well understood. But as a result, he was forced somewhere in his writing to present these reflexes, finally these things?)

MB: Yes, obviously, obviously, to get somewhere there are some constraints, but they are minimal constraints if you like, if you want to talk about constraints, I would say, they are infinitely infinitesimal. It wasn't very restrictive for him and afterward he did his journey as he wanted, he made people leave where he wanted, to make them arrive where he wanted, with the constraints actually of guiding them whatever. leaves anyway, of course.