Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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19/05/2023 - Vocal n° 59 - 14:00 : Pierrette clue - Allusions where each word has been weighed - no bird language

(Q - ??: As for Pierrette's additional indication, does the understanding reveal more eccentric delusions, anagram, bird language, etc., or something literary?)

MB: But, but wait, but it's crazy for me to hear a question like that. I am the opposite of crazy delusions. It's been a year and a half that I've been fighting against the crazy delusions to bring the debates back in potentially compatible directions and not absurd things, so it's anything but that Pierrette!
Pierrette is a short text which is full of allusions and where each word has been carefully considered. Consequently, for those who know how to capture, there is a lot of information to be found there of course.

(Q - Apollo: there is no language of birds?)

MB: But no, there is no language of birds, but come on, come on, are there many among you who speak the language of birds?