Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 02:07:45 :45: Coincidences in hunting - Not geographical but physical

(Q - ??: No but I agree with Aladore, it's true that these details were not so obvious.)

MB: It doesn't revolutionize the game, don't exaggerate.

(Q - Nabil: no, but Michel, you give the impression that we haven't actually understood anything at the 650 and that we don't find the sentries very well.)< br />
(Q - Apollo: I wanted to come back to exchanges that took place 2, 3 days ago, about coincidence. You said, there was Kawett who asked you a question and he said frankly, if the figures, the figures of Bornes Saint-Martin have nothing to do with it, we will know where the longevity of hunting comes from, Max was not aware of the existence of Bornes Saint-Martin, it This is the most incredible stroke of luck in the history of treasure hunts. You answer: There is something even more incredible than that, in the whole story of the owl? has discussions, you say: there is Fabergé who is asking you, it is linked to the researchers and their incompetence You answer: It is linked to the creativity of the owls.)
MB: I am in the process of internally congratulating myself because I was extremely precise, yes that’s correct.

(Q - Apollo: Okay, so let's continue. So there's Bigucha who tells you: even more incredible than the supposed chance of Bornes Saint-Martin will make our next 15 days. And you answer the chance I am talking about will last more than 15 days. We will talk about it for all eternity.)

MB: Yes, yes.

(Q - Apollo: Bioposis tells you: and it is linked to the story of the owl as you said? To the story of the Owlers rather. I will end there. So you say the coincidence I am talking about will last more than 15 days We will talk about it for all eternity and Bigucha tells you, we are talking about a real coincidence, is it not yet unperceived which would be more incredible than that of Bornes? Saint-Martin? You say: yes, that's right, Yes, that's right and bioposis tells you: Of all the researchers, you say yes, without exception. please expand on this coincidence? Expand on this coincidence a little?)

MB: So no, I won't develop it, but what I can tell you is that indeed, it is one of the components of the history of hunting which is linked to owls and which means that we will indeed talk about it for a long time and we will talk about it for a long, long time. This is what I was talking about when I said of all eternity, but eternity is still a very long time. But we will talk about it for a long time, yes that’s for sure!

(Q - Nabil: So the Bornes Saint-Martin is a coincidence.)

MB: No no, it’s not at all, no, but you understand…

(Q - Apollo: So we don't understand.)

MB: What I'm talking about is not a geographical element, it's a physical element and I tell you, and from the way owls work, indeed, there is an element that we don't have finished talking, which we will talk about well beyond the discovery of the owl.

(Q - Apollo: When you say that there is something even more incredible than that than the coincidence of Borne Saint-Martin, then we don't understand well.)< br />
MB: Yes, yes, well you can't understand, but you have to know the solutions to understand. I'm sorry but this is just to tell you that this story contains elements that border on the difficult to believe. And for me, when I had the solutions in hand, there were things that were difficult to believe or admit. And afterwards, I had to get into the thing and also dialogue with you all and there I began to be able to appreciate the impact of certain terms, such as the leftovers, such as the mega tip, such only things like that, and that's where I realized how much adulteration there was in this hunt, because these terms polluted everyone so much that I said to myself, I need to be able to eliminate that.
It was this famous conference that I gave or at one point, I said to myself, but if I don't do it, I'm going to continue to be mad, I'm going to continue to lead them around by giving them more answers. or less cryptic. There comes a time when I have to tell them that there are things, they have to stop completely. The process must be stopped. It was a process for me, as much for me as for you, eh, it was a bit of an electric shock also at the moment when I said to myself no, there are things, I can't let them continue, is not possible.

(Q - Apollo: And coming back to this coincidence, you say it was invented by the Researchers. The researchers invented this coincidence?)

MB: It is not invented, it is provoked.

(Q - Apollo: Incredible, incredible coincidence which concerns the area? What about the pile or?)

MB: Stop cooking for me.