Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 02:01:20 :20: Outstanding balances - Bailiff's report

(Q - Hogan: One last little thing here and very quickly. Finally, given that there is no remainder, why did you not remove this notion of remainder in the report of the file ?)

MB: But that’s not an assessment that the bailiff can have, eh.

(Q - Hogan: In the bailiff's report, there is this notion of remainder. So, what is it?)

MB: The bailiff notices what is put in front of him. The notion of remainder is perfectly subjective. It's something that was born in the exchanges, through the exchanges between Max and the players at the time of Minitel. Me, today, I, first of all I had to understand the scope of the term, what it covers as well as the mega trick, that all these terms which have been used but which in fact , do not cover anything specific. The area which is as big as an average city, which is something, but it's bullshit. An average city has an area, the area has no area and there is no area. We cannot determine an area, so it cannot have the area of ??an average city. It has no shape, it is a place, it is a region, it is what we want, but there is no need to determine an area. Simply saying the area is the size of an average city is misleading to players. It calls itself a medium-sized city, what is it then? The zone has such an area, so we seek to determine the limits of the zone. And here we go on something that is of no interest compared to hunting and lots of things like that. Leftovers are part of that. From the moment he said, remainder, there were some who said, so there are things that we find but that we don't use right away. What do I put aside, what do I find that doesn't serve me right away. And then the players went completely haywire, eh? They could search like that for decades, right? Which they did anyway. That's it, but the bailiff does. But a bailiff cannot see that. A bailiff, he bases himself on factual elements, it was such distance, it is such place, it is such color, it is such time, it is what you want. But remainder is such an abstruse notion that a bailiff cannot make an observation on this theme of remainders, it's not possible.

(Q - Hogan: No but it's because it is included in the bailiff's report.)

MB: But the observations were made at the moment when I resumed the game to shield myself, I entered into something which was one, I entered into a minefield so I tried to border myself on all sides and at the moment when we did it, these terms were used, even I was not yet fully aware of what the players understood or did not understand. I got turned on the first time I said, well, the mega tip and the super solution are the same. Wow, he mixes everything up and so on. Well no, I'm not mixing anything. No. These are concepts which in fact cover nothing.

(Q - Hogan: Okay, that's clear.)

MB: That's it, but the bailiff couldn't, ... the bailiff didn't have the means to confirm or deny it, even less to note it. And me, at the time when the findings were made, I was not yet as advanced as I am today, obviously.