Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:36:30 :30: Detailed map and compass - Not essential

(Q - Nabil: Yes, but OK, but my logic is confronted. This is what the researchers feel. It's not me, it's not just me Michel on this . Maybe not all of course, but when you say there is no need for a map, it makes us question.)

MB: I never said there was no need for a map. I have always added, if some people use it, it is a tool that can be useful. I said, some people won't need a compass. I needed it.

(Q - Nabil: So that's ultimately understandable, but hey, the map.)

MB: Ah well but for the map it's the same, it's just as understandable.

(Q - Roc:Hello Michel, Hello Nabil, Hello everyone.)

MB: But what time is it there?

(Q - Roc: It's 9 a.m.)

MB: Well, listen, but Roc, you should be sleeping at that time again, did you see what time you went to bed?

(Q - Roc: But yes, but I have notifications that finally wake me up, you're not thinking about the people of Canada there, really. Ah, listen, I'd like to give a little summary because I I'm a little in shock too So the second card is not essential for the game and when we say the second card, we're talking about a geoportal, we're talking about... Because Michel, you told us from, after. the first 9, any documentation is not useful, is not necessary And there the second card is not essential That's what you said eh?).

MB: That's what I said, but I don't find it suspicious that some people need it, it's completely normal. I'll repeat what I just said, I needed a compass, there are some who won't need it.

(Q - Roc: Yeah but it's because everyone, myself included, needed a 2nd card, not all no but the vast majority so it's a shock for many people to know that it is not essential, but hey.)

MB: It doesn't have as much importance as some... So we're going to translate it, we're going to translate my words, I'm trying to be as clear as possible and not to mislead you with excessively not very precise. This second card does not have the importance that some might give it. It is not decisive in the discovery of the solution, it is not decisive, it can be very useful for some, to others it will seem completely trivial and to still others, it will seem absolutely unnecessary. . They will say well I didn't need it. So. But what we must remember above all is that it is not of fundamental importance. That's it, it is not decisive.

(Q - Roc: Yeah, and so someone can play their game without needing a second card? It's possible,)

MB: It’s possible.

(Q - Roc:Ok Well thank you for this bomb.)

MB: No, it's not a bomb. No I do not agree. By using words like that, you create a… you instill a notion that is not fair. It's not a bomb, it's just to say that certain minds will be able to reason about the thing by saying OK, I understood and that they will not need to validate things with a second card to be sure that something is... It's not a bomb and those who need the second card are not abnormal or stupid people, it's completely... Like me, I don't consider myself handicapped mentally because I needed a compass.

(Q - Aladore: Yeah but then basically, the majority of people will need a second card or not? That's what's important, it's the majority, it's not the 2.3% who will do otherwise.)

MB: Yeah given where we are, given the current atmosphere of hunting after all these years, given all the doubts that have, and the mistakes that have occurred for years, it is certain that for, I would say yes, the majority, the second card will have a reassuring side. That's it, it will help to consolidate things, but that does not make it an essential tool. So I put things into perspective by saying that. I put the importance of the 2nd card into perspective.

(Q - Palestrina: And Michel, for example, at the time in 93, it wasn't exactly the same tools that we had at our disposal. We actually only had a second card but that's what you would say for example that call the nearest Bled Tourist Office where we suspect there are 8000 measurements, we know that it is not very far so we pick up the phone, we find out what you think for example it could be, an example of a way of getting information and there we could do without a map for example.)

MB: Well it seems that some have done it.

(Q - Palestrina: I completely agree, I did it myself.)

MB: Of course it's a possibility since some people have done it. That means that their logic led them to say well I'm going to call the Tourist Office and then that's it, yes.

(Q - Palestrina: And from there, that is to say that if the Tourist Office gives them the right answer, we agree that there, they need more of cards since they know what they are looking for?)

MB: Well for example.

(Q - Nabil: Thank you no, Michel, no, Michel, you see, it's something.)

(Q - Roc: But that's in theory, but in practice, we don't even have an azimuth, Palestrina…)

(Q - Nabil: Yes, yeah of course, but it's yeah, but I find it hard to imagine that a researcher wouldn't check that it's exactly 2640 meters for example. I don't 'don't dare conceive it.)

MB: And yes, but Nabil, do you find it difficult to imagine that Max said, there is no need for a compass and that I say, there is a need for a compass.

(Q - Nabil: I understand that very well Michel)

MB: Oh well yes. Well for the map it's the same eh.

(Q - Nabil: And Michel. But we are in a game where we need precision. If you take for example the first person who arrived in Dabo, not to mention him, she did not called the Tourist Office and she... Almost all the Chouetteurs, take a map and we check the measurement so I'm not going to call a town hall I...)

(Q - Palestrina: I did it Nabil. In 93, it was hard to get a top 25 and you couldn't buy a top 25 if you weren't sure. Me , I did it. I called several tourist offices to find out what was there 3 km around.)
MB: I would like to respond to… Wait hey Ho hey Ho, I would like to respond to Nabil. There you say, we are in a game where there is a need for precision and I am not the author of the puzzles. So we should stop bothering me with this, okay? The game was made when it was made by the author of the puzzles and I am trying today to manage this game with you so that it goes as smoothly as possible. But I am not, in any case, I cannot be questioned on the way in which the game was designed. Do we agree Nabil? I'm answering you as Michel Becker who has been in the game for 2 years and who says to himself, good God, good God, if I had known, I wouldn't have come, eh? Good ? OK, so let's calm down, let's calm down Nabil.

(Q - Nabil: Today, there is no reason not to take 2 cards because we don't need to call the Tourist Office.)

MB: But take one if you want. Me, I have, I tell you, I took a compass, take a compass, take a map, take a lamp, take a meter, take some string, take stakes, take a bailiff, take everything that you want. But of course, everything is good. The goal is to get there.