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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:31:00 :00: Owl theory - logic and reasoning

(Q - Nabil Okay but aren't these people the minority? In reality it's not 1% of researchers? These people who don't need this second card, it's not a minority, a bit like when you say that someone has all the cities of France in their head, aren't these special cases, wouldn't it be better not to not mention them? Because if it's 0.1% or 1% of researchers who have this capacity I don't really see the point in mentioning these people in fact since 99% of researchers I don't know if anyone. one is super strong in geography and...)

MB: You know, Nabil is, no, but that’s not it. Me, I am an artist, I have a way of functioning, I have a way of reasoning. I have a way of reacting which is linked to this side of my character, spontaneous artist, whatever you want. And you have people who are scientists, who have a way of approaching subjects, of reasoning and me? Sometimes I talk with them, I have had the opportunity to talk with high-level scientists about subjects that interested them and me. And when I saw their approach, I was like, OK, I get it. When we don't come to the same conclusions at all, et cetera. You have minds that work differently, so I can't say, statistically, it's 1% or 2%, maybe it's 50%, maybe I don't know. But you have people who are extremely different in the way they operate. Everyone is at the limit. There are people who will have a much more analytical mind and therefore who will operate on intuition, others who will have much more spontaneous reactions, others who will refrain from reacting too quickly. There are plenty of parameters that come into play and that mean that at a given moment, you form a certainty that is either based on a form of autosuggestion or a form of enthusiasm and others that will support their certainties on a much more in-depth analysis, et cetera. I can't tell you if it's 1%, 2%, 10 or 50%, I don't know, but it's true that there are minds that work very differently.

(Q - Nabil: Ok I'll stay here and right there.)

MB: I noticed it, eh. I noticed it in the writings on the Discord, I read things, I say to myself Wow guys, they reason well, what, they work really well. I'm not saying that they find... I'm not necessarily talking about the solution approach, but I'm talking about the way of putting problems into perspective, of saying this is how I think. This is how I approach already, you see that there are huge differences between the players.

(Q - Nabil: But for example here, with that just, I'll end with that and then I'll leave the floor, for example, there I already see the owls, how it's going to end. Apparently, I have the impression that there is no one who has solved this story of the 8000 measures, who has understood what it means, and there will be lively debates after this vocal. Afterwards I don't know, you can. not, but we certainly don't have )
MB: No, no, but your impression is yours, it's not necessarily mine, eh?

(Q - Pendulum: But it is, if I may allow myself to intervene. Nabil and hello Michel, it's Pendulum, the assessments of everyone, of oneself, each personal assessment does not correspond not necessarily to all the players That is to say Nabil when you say, I see from here, all the players who are, everyone, who will react or interpret, it's not. true, there are things which are clear for some, which are a little confusing for others and well today, the history of the map as Michel is clarifying, well, it seems quite clear to me , for a few days, since it was said And then, well I believe that the player will find something mentioned in the first card, as well as with his understanding of the game and the architecture which will give. to this one, he will say on this first card or in another way, he will say to himself well, it must be over there And it must be over there and therefore and after other things which happen. put in place, which confirm you, which make you go down.)

MB: Well, but for example just now, Nabil said to me, I don't see how we can find out, what was that?

(Q - Nabil: No, for example, the example I gave, I was the solution, it's a commonly accepted Daboist solution. It's 8000 measurements, it's 2.64 km. I don't understand how an owl wouldn't have.)

MB: Oh but no Nabil, that's not the first thing you said. You talked about the spiral earlier. So, you talk about the spiral, then you talk to me about the 8000 measurements, how do you want me to answer you?
Wait, you want the solutions? If you want, I'll give them to you. No, but wait, you tell me, it's extremely confusing and you think you're very clear, do you?

(Q - Nabil: Ah well I don't have the solutions so it's normal that it's not clear.)

MB: No, but you tell me, I don’t see…. At first you tell me, I don't see how we can find the spiral without the 2nd card and then you tell me, I see from here the players, no one has found the 8000 measurements or I don't know what. I don't understand the link between the two me.

(Q - Nabil: I didn't understand that the example you are talking about was the example I gave on the spiral but regarding the spiral you want to say something, sorry?)

MB: No, but I have nothing to say about the spiral, but I mean... You are not very clear in fact in the problems that you, well, in the questions that you submit to me, in the problems that you seem ask yourself.

(Q - Nabil: Well, the problem for me, I submitted it, well for me it's quite clear. I find a spiral in the shape of a road. Me, I absolutely need a map to visualize it on site Ok, people who realize that it is.)

MB: No but Nabil, but be precise. You just told me, I find a spiral in the shape of a road…
But stop, you find a spiral-shaped road, do we agree?

(Q - Nabil: Yes, sorry, excuse me a spiral road)

MB: Well yes. But it's not the same. No, but it's still crazy. You realize that yourself, you, the way... We have the impression, I have the impression that you are making films for yourself, in fact, you say to yourself, it's so complicated, it's impossible, you need this, you don’t need that. Stay calm, you have your logic, follow your logic and follow your logic to the end.