Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:27:30 :30: SS - Things to do on the ground

(Q - Nabil: Yes, but once I'm good, I'm going to take an example because it will be clearer because in fact, without an example, it's all confusing For me it's simple, if I don't have a second card I don't understand and I can't imagine how a researcher would find the Dabo spiral without a second card. It's beyond me, I don't know how he would do it and I don't. I don't know too, well maybe I misunderstood the 8000 measurements and so on, all that, but just for the spiral and to find the rock of Dabo and so on And to visualize that, I don't understand how to do it. done without a second card )

MB: Well, listen to me, I think that at the time the hunt was launched, it was always said by Max that there were things to see there. We completely agree, it has always been said. Max always said that the outcome of the game was on the field, it was always designed and understood and said that way, it was never presented differently. Afterwards, that the elements on which we are going to rely are deduced, calculated, according to those we are talking about, from our armchair, from our living room and in advance, that is a certainty. We're not going to do the Tour de France and say to ourselves I'm going to find something, so there's a lot of work that needs to be done upstream. But at the last minute, there are things that need to be done on the ground, that’s obvious.

(Q - Nabil: Yes, of course, but OK well I, well, it's still confusing for me in any case, but ok very well it's because I don't see how we could what to do to find the sentries without a second card it's perhaps generational, eh? Maybe it's, I don't know, but I find it confusing and I don't know. Maybe there's something. thing, maybe at the limit. The only thing that I could understand is at the limit Dabo, rock of Dabo. Everything depends on that. And I go, I show up at the chapel and that. , is that, it doesn't matter about the chapel or anything, that the place where I land, well there throws the card, I go, I land, I go to the chapel and I play my game from from there it's the only thing I could understand, but at the moment it's super confusing and... )
MB: Listen, I’ll tell you again. But it's not super confusing, I'll tell you again exactly what I told you at the start of our discussion. The second card is optional, some will need another one, no, but just because we need it doesn't mean we're wrong or right, there are some who will say OK, I take the second card to make sure of this or that. There are others who will say no, Ok I understand. That's it, I don't think there's anything confusing about it. If you need a second card well OK well that's good OK you take the second card, you find it's perfect and others will find without needing the second card because there is a logic which will allow them to do that, or an ability to pick up on stuff that maybe you don't have, that others have, or so on.