Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:23:40 :40: Detailed map - optional

(Q- Nabil: Hello Michel, it’s Nabil.)

MB: Hello Nabil, oh this is going to suck, I'm going to have a hard time.

(Q - Nabil: No, it's been a long time.)

MB: Do you have a reputation that precedes you? Yes, from a trickster who pulls the worms out of my nose. Lets' go.

(Q - Nabil: Not at all, frankly relative, it's without... It's not intentional. In fact, I'm trying a little, It's to join Exalastro a little. These are in fact assertions and as a result we are obliged to make interpretations behind them, it's good, it's the nature of the game which requires that and I was wondering, it's a fairly simple question. , what is Google Maps a map for you? Google Maps, Waze, do you consider it a map when you say we don't need a map, Géoportail et cetera, everything that? is online. What you recommend is what…)

MB: So I never said, we don't need a map, I said earlier again, that we need a map for the puzzles, there's no doubt about that , it is an essential tool. Explain to me why Max once said that the map is not a tool, I don't understand what that means, I'm sincere with you, I don't understand.

(Q - Nabil: Oh yes, excuse me, I wasn't specific, I wanted to talk about the specific card. In fact I'm not talking about the 989)

MB: Okay, so this is the map that you are supposed to take when you arrive at a sector, a region, a place, you say it's in this corner, so I take a more precise map. I answer you, Nabil, it is completely legitimate to need it. It is a tool that can be extremely practical, even essential for some. And others will be able to do without it.

(Q - Nabil: No, but what I wanted to clarify is just when you say it is not essential, it is not essential, like the statement you made, based on the sentries because I don't understand how we can land on a place without visualizing this place on Google Maps, a paper map, Waze or whatever we want, It escapes me, In fact how we can visualize it. where I am, what am I doing, how I find the sentries, it's with a precise map so your point, if you like, is...imprecision).

MB: In 1993, it was said, you need a map. When you arrive at the right place, 8000 measures away, cool thing, it could be done without having a 2nd card. But the second card can be useful. The silence is heavy there! Ah ha. It is optional, the 2nd card is optional.

(Q - Nabil: No, but that escapes me. I don't understand. In fact, I don't understand how a researcher could measure a distance, how he could know, check this distance if we are on a game where we need to check what we…)

MB: If you don't understand, it's because you're missing something.

(Q - Nabil: Okay OK but whatever.)

MB: Well, the cache is perfectly findable without having a second map, I don't say the second map because there are several second maps eh, we know that well, there are still different places in France which are still , extremely, let's say attractive for players, so this second potential card remains optional. It is entirely possible to find the cache without needing a second map.

(Q - Nabil: But this researcher, who does not need the second map, he must visualize the place well. I don't know, if he lives in the south of France and the The place is in the north, he doesn't know it at all, he has to look carefully on a map at some point where he lands)
MB: Well, wait for the first card, it exists. No, but the map of France still says where we land.