Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:15:50 :50: Sentinels - Sayings and interpretations

(Q - Exalastro: Hello Michel, Exalastro. But I'm a little lost. I keep it simple, listen to each vocal several times and then very regularly, There is a little something that affects me , this is the story of the sentinels and the point of view When you respond, you respond in the first degree, do you remember this intervention Do you respond in the first degree when we make this kind of exchange? in writing?)

MB: Yes, in a sense, I am responding at face value, my personal assessment is as follows: we should never have embarked on this type of exchange. I think when we ask Max can we see all 3 together, can we touch 2, does it make the other move. I think these are questions which, even if they are questions which should never have been asked, are of no interest. That's not the debate, that's not how the hunt should have gone.

(Q - Exalastro: Because precisely… No, sorry, go ahead. I'll let you finish, sorry.)

MB: Yes, I said, that's why I totally disagree with the madits. It's not just yes, there are some curses that are completely, that personally I don't understand. I don't understand how they could have been written like this because for me they are frankly, they answer the opposite of what should have been answered. And they are quite conducive to misleading players, more than conducive in fact. So I take issue with that, but above all I take issue with the tone of these curses. And the best example, already cited 150 times by me, I'm rambling, but the best example is when Max Valentin starts talking about my paintings. I mean, it reveals exactly how toxic curses are, and it's not just on my paintings. The way to respond when we talk about the sentinels, when we talk about all that, but I would have been the organizer of the game, at that time, I would have said listen, I don't answer what. So make do, find the sentries, make do. There was a moment when we got into such debates, it led to so many possible nuances, so many possibilities. We know the photo of I don't know who, it was Viking or something, who lay down between the Saint-Martin terminals. Well, we've all seen that. And that stemmed from the fact that Max said that at some point you can't hit 2. Well, I mean, but that's nonsense, that should never have happened.

(Q -Exalastro: Listening to you, this simplicity lies in the fact that if we have our heads on our shoulders, I have to find these sentinels. They are waiting for me. I look for them, I find them, I don't have to ask myself any questions if I see them, 1,2,3,4,5,6 at the same time or not, I have to find them, I look for them, I find them, we can stay in. this simplicity there)

MB: Absolutely, that’s what I’ve been emphasizing for a long time, Yeah. But of course, you understand that the more questions we ask, the more we will try to go into details, which is logical on the part of the players. I would do the same if I were a simple player and not the organizer. I will also try to get the organizer off his back. It's human, it's normal, and I don't blame anyone for that, of course. But from the moment we give in to that, from the moment we get into the thing, we have to know what we are doing as organizer of the game at a given moment, depending on how we are going to respond. , perhaps without realizing it sometimes, we open doors, we open up possibilities and then it becomes completely unmanageable. Whereas by keeping silent about certain things, by saying no, that's a subject on which I don't respond. Ultimately, there are much fewer problems that arise because we remain on a common logic for everyone and we do not enter into a multitude of possible interpretations. That's why it's been a while, I said, I'm stopping responding. Because I realized it very well. And I understand all the better the path followed by Max Valentin and how Max Valentin managed to construct himself as a totally brilliant character and so on, who never actually existed. But I understand it very well. I could have done the same if I wanted to continue the question-and-answer game as we had started to do at one point, but it's never-ending. It's endless. All it takes is one word, all it takes is one comma, all it takes is one hesitation. We saw him, eh, a day ago, I don't know, I don't know exactly what I was babbling about, so we said, he almost said this, he almost said that. No, it was just... I stammered and immediately we made a mountain out of it, and Max Valentin also used terms, a vocabulary that he deliberately wanted to be a little bit abstruse, a little bit interpretable, et cetera. And then it went in all directions. And that's what I want to stop today.

(Q - Exalastro: The problem, I'm the first to fall into the trap. I think that when I get to my sentries, which I think are for example the bsm and you answer it depends from the point of view, I say to myself, but how can we answer, that, the sentries cannot be the BSM, they are all 3 in front of me, why he says it depends on the point of view, so there I am. say well no I'm not in the right place And so we fall once again into this unfortunate mistake but it's my first reaction to… )
MB: Yes, but if you want me today, with what I know about the game and the solutions, I believe that these directions are of no interest. Of course we can answer, of course we can say, we can see them, we can't see them, we can do this, we can't do that. But it's not... We're in the process of, it's a deviance, we're in the process of going in different directions, that's what happened with the madits who made the game last, who diluted what should have remained the main axes of the game. He created secondary axes with the madits and more than that and people went in all these directions with notions that were created along the way. We can talk about leftovers and not only that, lots of things that were made along the way, that were never mentioned at the start. This clearly demonstrates that the more we talk, the more we will dilute and the more fields of possibilities we will open. And from there, we can make the game last... If I want, today, I assure you, even if some think that I have said too much and that she will be found next summer, if I really If I wanted to, if I wanted to manipulate the game and manipulate the players, I can make this game last for another 30 years. And beyond my personal lifespan. I could if I wanted to. That's the problem. When you know the solutions, you have in front of you a multitude of people who are looking. You manipulate them as you want, you use this or that word and you pass them around without really lying, without really saying false things. You can take them around forever and I don't want to do that. I said the sentries, we see them, we don't see them, we don't care about them, it's not the debate, OK?