Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:11:10 :10: Private messages - Solution verification system

(Q - Samsam: I wanted to know if you are up to date with the solutions. I sent you my solution at the beginning of the week.)

MB: And no, I am not up to date with the solutions. How did you send it in a private message, right?

(Q - SamSam: By email to the bailiff.)

MB: Yes, I see all the emails from the bailiff. I am up to date with all the readings but then, since you are talking about it, you are talking about it very well, you should not write to the bailiff. The bailiff is not mandated to verify the solutions. A bailiff, when a bailiff does something, we pay him. I can't afford to pay a bailiff all year round to check the solutions that the players want to send him. It's inconceivable, it's not possible. So the bailiff answers the phone, they have dozens of calls every week, et cetera. They receive dozens of letters, but they are not mandated for that. When we set up the response forms, it was done at the moment when I took over the organization of the game, my concern was to ask myself: is it that, throughout the very long period where no one organized this game, where Max had disappeared and no one was taking care of the organization of the game anymore, could someone by chance have found the right solution and would not have had the ability to communicate or assert your winning status? So I decided to ask whoever you want to send their solution form to be sure that upstream, when I restart the game, before I restart the game, no one had found it. So, it turned out that no one had found it and so today, I absolutely cannot respond in a systematic way to all the solutions that are sent. The bailiff even less so since once again, he is not paid for that. So this is the reason why we are currently finalizing, it will be online within a few weeks, we are finalizing an online solution verification system on which many are expressing themselves by issuing comments. doubts, expressing fears. There is no doubt and no fear, there is no amateurism in it. I called on experienced specialists in this field, people who work for banks or things like that, who are very familiar with the most secure systems available, and therefore the solution verification system that is going to be made available to players in the near future, will allow them to submit their solution and will be completely secure, i.e. no one will be able to read their solutions, their solutions will not be hackable. Nothing will be accessible to anyone. But they will be able to validate or invalidate a solution, the system being that if the solution is false, it will be answered: The solution is false, but we will not say, you burn, you freeze or anything at all. It's good or it's not good.