Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:03:40 :40: Relaunch of the game - Death of Regis Hauser - Motivations

(Q - Coucou Lumineux: I would like to ask you 2 personal questions to change register and stop revolving around puzzles. The first is what are your motivations for resuming the treasure hunt? J I read The Secret Notebooks, so I understood that you had some resentment about the way the hunt went with your relationship with Régis Hauser And so I understood that you wanted to have one. happy outcome of this game. But beyond that, since you have, I also understood that you had empathy towards the Owls, so I would like if you could summarize your motivations, here they are if we could prioritize them. In any case, what is your main motivation for resuming hunting? That's the first question and the 2nd question is, do you think that the death of Régis Hauser could have a link with it? this hunt? In particular the fact that he died on the day he buried it, finally on the anniversary of the day where yes, there it is. )

MB: on the 2nd question, the death of Régis Hauser, yes, it had a direct impact on the game, that is to say that if he had not died, the game would have been finished a long time ago since I had planned to attack him criminally and so the game would have been stopped, by my doing, I would have had the game stopped because I did not accept what happened and the way in which it happened pass. That's the first point so, in a way yes, it would have considerably changed the course of things.
On the first question you asked about my motivations, et cetera, I would say that there are 2 things that are essential for me. The first is that I do not accept having done everything I did, even if it does not appear clearly to many people, I went to great lengths to achieve what this owl is born. I put a lot of money into it and I don't accept that I did all that and that it ended in a mess, or that I had to exercise my right of withdrawal, that is to say , I get my owl back and then I do what I want with it. I would find that pathetic. The second thing is that I said to myself, I understood at some point to what extent I had been taken for a ride by Max Valentin. And that was the first moment, the first moment, let's say, of my reaction, and the second moment of my reaction was that I said to myself, I'm not alone in being taken for a ride. And even those who are my worst opponents and my worst detractors have been trolled like me. Max Valentin's character amazed everyone. It was made on the, in quotes, on the back of the Golden Owl.
He became a character, as we have often mentioned, extraordinary and so on who in fact never existed. But whatever. And I told myself that in the end, I'm not the only one who got caught. The thousands of players who bought the book, who played, who spent thousands of hours, who traveled, who searched, who were passionate, all these people were taken somewhere like Me. Today, I really want to say no, no, there is a basis which is so beautiful, there was a desire to do things so well at the start that I do not accept that the character's deviances virtual who became Max Valentin can cut the story short and then turn it into something completely sordid when in fact it is a fantastic adventure, this story of the Golden Owl. So my motivation is to say I don't want to have done all that for nothing. And then I don't accept out of personal ethics that thousands of players are being taken advantage of, so today I'm here to put them back on the map. straight path and tell them, go ahead, you will end up finding what. It's not more complicated than that.