Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 01:01:10 :10: Pile-Poil - Lock - Chouetteur Theory

(Q - Hyperion: I have a quick question about the pile pile. I wanted to know, could the pile pile be hidden behind a lock?)

MB: But there is a huge lock in front of the pile, that's obvious, since everyone has been trying to open it for 30 years.
Hidden behind a lock? Honestly, honestly, honestly, honestly, the way you phrase the question implies a precise idea that you translate in this way that I cannot understand since I don't know your idea. And so, it’s completely cryptic and personally, I’m not that “cryptic”.

(Q - Hyperion: Well if for example I follow a lead, I am in the field, I follow a lead, there I have access to notions, to concepts that I use several times. And In the end, I arrive at a point that seems to me to be final, but on the other hand, I don't have anything at all. Does that mean that this track is false or does that mean that? could still be coherent?)

MB: So first of all, you talked about notions and concepts. Eh ? You use notions, concepts. Well, there is no concept. Notions yes I want…

(Q - Hyperion: Yes, there you go, no concept and…)

MB: Well no, but it’s important, it’s the gear change. There is no concept, there is no convoluted thing to look for, notions yes, ok, the term is completely acceptable. And then, when you find a specific point, well if it's not there, you're wrong, there's no joker there. It's either good or it's not good. There is no twist, there is nothing to say, I found that point there. Ah well yes but this point goes to me… I had read certain messages a while ago, where some people said, well, we find a point, we dig. There are the solutions. And then where there is an element, and then we know where to go. No, that's not it at all. When you find the precise point, it's the cache. You dig, you have the countermark.

(Q -Hyperion: Okay, so we already have all the necessary elements for…)

MB: Yeah Yeah Yeah.