Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 57:20 : Zone and Pile pile - Difference between the solution on the paper in the field

(Q - McMurphy: No but I mean that, that's not it, it's that when we want to progress, we have to move because there, a card is is not necessarily representative of the field.)

MB: So yes, that's an interesting remark, because it's the absolute truth, that is to say that even me, when I read the solutions and when I found myself on the ground , I said to myself, well yeah, fortunately I read the solutions because by showing up like that I might not have understood the thing right away. Well that said, that said, given the history of hunting today, which is still not trivial, eh, between us, I think that there is a need for players to build skills very well-founded certainties. We really need to cross-reference the texts, the enigmas, and everything that has been said. We have to be able to say to ourselves, there is really nothing, there is no vagueness whatsoever. We really have to cement it, because so much has been said, so much written, it's so easy to say to yourself, oh yeah, it's great, it's magical, why not? And we hit 800 km like that all at once, all at once, for those who tell me I'm at the other end of France, others are surely closer obviously, not everyone is on par with that, but still, before leaving like that, I think that today most of the Chouetteurs are in a position to, how should I say, to subject themselves to verifications, counter-verifications and really try to support their certainties. There are still elements circulating that make it possible to do this much more than, for example, 2 years ago.

(Q - McMurphy: Yeah, but in fact it's this playful side that allows us to discover a region and also discover the culinary side. Well, a whole bunch of things that make the we enjoy our travels and our discoveries, and it's the fun side that keeps us moving.) And finally here's what, we don't do it just to make a hole. We also do it for the region, for the discovery of heritage so it’s not…)

MB: I understand very well, but then that's the same, it's a, let's say it's a fault that I'm very careful not to fall into. This, I know, is completely understandable. It's great to leave like that, to have a little bit of excitement, adrenaline when you dig and everything. Then afterwards we have good food, we visit a nice region and so on, it's very good. But I have to be very careful not to surf on that, not to encourage it and not to fall into the easy way of saying “Well listen, thanks to me, thanks to Max before me, you will discover France , you will discover regions of France, you know et cetera... » I am still the organizer of the game today and I am very careful to be precise and not to let people go in a way too spontaneous, or without having carefully weighed the ins and outs of the approach?

(Q - McMurphy: Okay, well Rachel sends you big kisses

MB: I do it too