Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 42:50 : Relaunch of the game - Evolution of the situation and thoughts

(Q - Aladore: Yes, but the problem is that we know, we don't know when. We don't know if it's from the start, from the gear change or if it's 'is on each element that composes, for example this enigma, it is…)

MB: But what is quite surprising when I listen to you is that if I base myself since the start of the game, for 28 years no one has had this notion of changing gear and being clever. And today when I deliver this element to you, you say to me “yeah but Well, when do we have to be clever”. Um already, you know that you have to be clever, that's a big plus, isn't it?

(Q - Aladore: Well, we suspected that there was still a dirty trick in the story.)

MB: No, no, but you didn't suspect anything, you didn't suspect anything, you didn't have this element, why do you say we suspected it? You didn't suspect anything. Nobody ever said that.

(Q - Aladore: Well when it hasn't been found for... yes that's true, but when it hasn't been found for 30 years it's because we suspected that it there was something. There was a little dirty trick hiding behind it all.
MB: Not at all, that wasn't the atmosphere at all, before I started the game again, it was a scam, there's no fun, there's nothing buried, we is not sure, is it only findable. Do the puzzles hold up? That was the questioning. It had nothing to do with it. You must still remain aware that today, that's why I say the reasoning is going in the right direction. Today, you're talking about things that are concrete and that are consistent with the reality of the game. Whereas before, it was, we don't even know if the puzzles really lead to something, if it's findable, if it's not found it's very different. The atmosphere is already very different.

(Q - Aladore: Ah well it's clear that it's thanks to you that, well me, that I personally started the game otherwise it was out of the question in the state where it was before your 4th edition, which I attack what, For me it seemed so impossible compared to everything that had been said before to find that, fortunately there was your intervention. Otherwise I. think that even a lot of people eh, a lot of people are in the same situation as me, eh anyway.
MB: Yes but okay, it's nice of you to say that to me, but I mean, I'm not seeking the fact that you tell me it's thanks to me or not thanks to me, it doesn't matter, so much the better if that's the case, but that's not it, what I mean is that today you must be aware that, how I will put it, you are struggling with concrete elements. You're telling me, well, gear change, yeah, but at what point is it? Wait for the fact that you can say there is a change of gear, that is to say we no longer think the same, something else is happening... But it's huge. It is enormous. Take the time to think about it, take the time to mill. You would like me to give you even more when I have already pointed you out on things, I am thinking about major things eh, when when I say that it is for me it is major elements, which help you enormously to not get lost and to stay focused on what the great solution could be.

(Q - Aladore: Yes, yes, no, but after that it's up to you, eh, I don't worry, I wouldn't blame you if you, if you don't want to answer me, there's no problem clearly.)

MB: But Aladore, but Aladore. It's not my convenience and I'm just referring to the fact that from the moment we tackle puzzles, when we tackle a treasure hunt, we have to integrate the time factor. You don't want to discover in 3 days, in 8 days or whatever there is a journey to be made. I tell you, you are doing it in what I read, I know very well that the reasoning today is very different from what it has been for a very long time, years and years. So today I'm telling you we're going in the right direction, taken collectively, that's what I wrote not long ago. The owls are in the right direction. After all…deal with it. It's up to you to find it, it's not up to me to tell you where it is anyway, right?

(Q - Aladore: No, but no, it's clear. And just one last little thing. Did you see the exercise there that we proposed with Gundim on a gear change .)

MB: I haven't seen it, tell me.

(Q - Aladore: Ah, I could give it to you. Well, I don't know if it's interesting, but we could possibly pass it on to you one of these 4, we'll give it to you send.)

MB: Send it to me by email if you want.

(Q - Aladore: Yeah, possibly yeah.)

MB: If it’s interesting?