Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 39:10 : Review - Simplicity

(Q - Aladore: Hello Michel, it's Aladore, well, I just had a quick question in fact, in relation to the review, in fact.)

MB: There is no small question Aladore. There are questions, there are no small questions.

(Q - Aladore: In fact, I wanted to know, what could we be missing to do the right review, that is to say what we would be missing, for example example of deductions, are we missing a solution, are we obviously going to lack reflection, perhaps what we are going to lack is research, this is where we should turn? in fact to try to find this element there.)

MB: I think what is missing the most is simplicity. You have to know how to stay simple in your head, that is to say, not tell yourself, you are embarking on a particularly complex path. We are attacking a monument, in fact, you are not attacking a monument, you are tackling a treasure hunt which is completely normal, in quotes, that is. And that many, many of whom overestimate, I had already said that, the level of complexity, but at the same time, in relation to which many seek elements that are a little bit esoteric, a little bit mystical and a little bit, I know not what... And that's actually what the trouble comes from there and this trouble was totally initiated by the responses that Max made in the curses. It still exists, that is to say that few players manage to say to themselves I approach this with simplicity, logic and that, at a given moment, the famous change of gear when we arrive at the last 2 puzzles, we say to ourselves there we have to change, let’s say, the method, the way it works. We must stop trying to decipher, et cetera. You have to be a little more clever, a little more inventive.