Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 36:15 : Story of Father Méhu - It's a joke

(Q - Romain: it was in relation to the construction of the hunt, I was wondering since in the first version of the hunt, therefore the egg of Father Méhus, this is accompanied by a text, therefore, of a story, and therefore in the published version, the golden owl There is no text at all and I wondered how the version of the golden owl could be amputated of this. text found in Father Méhus in fact?
MB: Are you watching TV now? Do you watch TV from time to time? Do you ever see advertisements for cars, for example? Electric cars, for example, we agree. Okay, yeah, they've never made anyone feel more zen. I had one for 4 years, it doesn't have at all the effect that is described in the advertisements, in other words, it's a joke, so the story of Father Méhus is a joke to wrap up to induce an atmosphere, to induce an incentive context for the player, which makes him want to become part of history, it's made for that, it's the work of an advertiser above all, especially at the time when it was designed.
We are in the 70s, 80s, design eh, so we are in what was done and but advertising has never changed, eh, the rules are the same. The themes differ, but the rules are always the same, they will not change. So, today, we are talking to you about the zenitude that the electric car gives you and 40 years ago, we told you, you have to put a tiger in your engine and there we were talking about the driver's testosterone, but we were talking about same cars eh? In parentheses, some were with a thermal engine, the others were electric. But the process was the same, selling a car. So that means it's packaging. Like a perfume bottle, like all that, I worked for some great perfumers, for whom I designed things. Perfume costs a lot less than you imagine, and it's the bottle that sells it. Father Méhus is the bottle of the golden owl.

(Q - Romain: Strictly speaking, that can help us understand the mind of Max Valentin.)

MB: Yes, yes, yes, it's interesting because not only that, but we also know that he used it again, later, for the Trésor d'Orval, part of the texts, et cetera, that means that he didn't produce a lot of them, he was a little disappointed not to have used this one, so he used it again. Yes yes, it gives a good overview of the way in which Max Valentin constructed his advertising arguments.