Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 31:40 : Detailed map - It is optional

(Q - Patrick: Yes yes, so we think we have found the 2nd card because everything matches all the paths we have taken.)

MB: Well, I'll interrupt you with the 2nd card, that's the same, it's something for me it almost becomes a little annoying to always talk about the notion of tool. Everything that Max Valentin was able to say in relation to this notion of tool reveals and confirms the specious, specious character of the character. Max Valentin was a communicator. The words could be used in one way or another and a communicator you're trying to fault by saying, Yeah but you said that? He always manages to explain to you that the word can be seen, considered, interpreted differently. Well, no, but I'll answer you, I'll answer you, wait, I'll finish answering you. Afterwards, you will be able to express yourself peacefully. This notion of the 2nd card, the 2nd card like the compass, like a meter, like a cord, like a lamp, like anything you want, like a compass, like everything you can imagine, these are tools. Tools are elements that we use, because what these tools do, we cannot do with our hands. So we need something that complements what we can do ourselves with our head or our hand. Well, we need a map because we don't have the map in our heads, we need a compass because we don't have North in our heads. We need a compass because we can't draw a circle with our fingers and so on. For me, all these are tools. The 2nd card is a tool, there are people who will need it and there are others who will not need it. I can't tell you better, there is no systematic element. That said, for the, now we know, for the first 9 puzzles, it is essential to have a map. We need a map. It is a necessary tool.

(Q - Patrick: No no, but we know how to use the map as a tool and we reported well finally.)

MB: There you go and the 2nd card. Let's say it's optional depending on how you approach the solution.

(Q - Patrick: All our various reflections and and and correlated with other friends correspond and for all that, we don't come across the precise place right down to the spot, so we wonder what did we graze in the first 9 puzzles or did we graze on the last one or on the 520.)

MB: You are all, all, all, almost without exception, with rare exceptions, you are all grazing on what I have been trying to say for quite a while, I had even started to say it before taking over the organization of the game, about the character of Max Valentin. Nobody wants to believe me. It's terrible. I told you who he was. I've tried to describe it and no one cares. However, I said everything.