Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 24:00 : Relaunch of the game - Remove doubts and allow players to move forward

(Q - ??: Just a quick question, are you okay?)

MB: Yes, yes, yes, yes. I was asked that earlier. I, I'm in great shape, I'm not old, I'm the age I am but I'm not old. There are people younger than me who are much older.

(Q - ??: It was really just a courtesy, huh? It wasn't implied at all.)

MB: But I answer you in the same tone. No, no, I'm very, very well. There is no problem.

(Q - ??: Ok, and I had another question, can there be repetitive elements in the super solution?)

MB: I will never answer that, I don't talk about it anymore. You have enough in hand. You have everything in hand.
I've told you things, so... it's still interesting to talk about it, I'm paying attention to the way you ask me the question. There are 2 major trends today, I see it in the writings, eh, it's my basis for reasoning, it's fundamentally, it's the writings. So what I see happening in the exchanges on the different Discord rooms when I connect and therefore I see that there is a lot of questioning… Including elsewhere. Well, let me open the parenthesis on the history of verifications of solutions where everyone comments on my skills or my incompetence or my capacity or my age or my advanced indulgence. There is no need to worry about that, I work with very high-level people and we are in the process of setting up an absolutely unstoppable solution verification system. So I want to reassure everyone on this, there will be no risk, no possibility that the things that will be communicated could fall into the hands of anyone other than me. I will be the only one who can check what is sent and if I should disappear, arrangements are made for someone else to do it for me. Well that’s reassuring.
Afterwards, on the exchanges, the major trends that emerge from what I, I think I pick up from the exchanges that I read, is that some say “I trust Michel”, others say “Well yes but well me good thing uh yeah but Max said et cetera”, so we are constantly in fact between 2 opposing currents which from time to time push on one side from time to time push on the other, some make a little return to the Max side, the others stay on the Max side, some are sure, others are not entirely sure.
Generally speaking, and I'm happy to point out this, I've never lied since I took over the game and since the Discord opened. I am absolutely not saying anything that is intended, let's say, to drown out the fish, or to confuse the players or to sow confusion in their minds. I try to be as factual as possible. I try to be as precise as possible, but each time I speak of elements which have been commented on, interpreted for 30 years by people who have not always had the same scruples as me. And consequently, there are, at a given moment, there are necessarily contradictions that appear, so major contradictions, it's madits/midits, we'll say. And from the moment I am here, I am alive, I am present, I express myself, I show myself. I take full responsibility for my words and I really invite the players to believe me 100%.
I play my role as organizer in an extremely scrupulous manner. Therefore, when I say things it is completely sterile for people who say “Yeah, but Michel. Maybe this could be that…”. Here, we are talking about completely sterile comments. There is no maybe, eh, in what I do, in what I say. I approach in an extremely precise and thoughtful way and in what I say to you, the things that I tell you and that I deliver to you are extremely precise and thoughtful as well. So, we have to... I'm trying to eliminate as much as possible all this foam that has been created in the game, with the doubts, with things that Max could have said or written Max.
Today I try to be as precise as possible, as factual as possible and I really invite the players to follow me in this process. It's the best way to move forward.

(Q - ??: Yes, and so, just to follow up a little on what you told me in relation to the great solution, you feel that you have said everything, that there you can nothing more to say?)

MB: We can always say more, but the principle is that we are you, on the side of the owls so we will say, the Community of Owlers, me as organizer on the other side, we are 2 entities that function in relation to each other. I have to, that's why I read a lot of things on Discord. I take a lot of time to come and read what is written. I don't always speak out, but I read a lot and so I also adapt my comments based on what I understand about the concerns and progress of the players. And that's how it works and that's why I invite you to do the same, that is to say, to adapt to my words. I know I don't speak like Max spoke. I know it's not the same atmosphere. I know there are contradictions but hey today it's me who's here, it's me who's the only judge of what's good, not good, what's true, not true. And you have to base yourself on my words. Otherwise I don't see how we can move forward in the game, there's a moment, there has to be some logic to all of this! From the moment there is an organizer where I am still someone who, I am exposed, I am not anonymous, I am not behind a pseudonym, I have responsibilities. So from the moment I express myself or try to channel you, to help, that is not always the case. But channel in any case. Which often means helping too, of course, but from there, there must still be a form of trust established and we say OK, there is an organizer, we are players, we try to work in relation to each other.

(Q - Aladore: Yeah no, but we do you, we trust you. Michel has no worries.)

MB - No no, no no, no, no, no no, no. You can't say, we trust you, you trust me, but others don't trust me. Not everyone trusts me, it can't be, so it's a certainty. But and I have I, I'm just trying to tell you to describe yourself. So, I'm trying to describe the situation to you. I know not everyone trusts me. There are even some who think I'm talking bullshit, which is their right in parentheses, I'm not attacking anyone. But trust is not acquired and is not general. Don't make a generalization out of it. Some trust me, others don't, so there are exchanges. I read exchanges on Discord between people who trust me and between people who trust me moderately, some who don't trust me at all. I can read anyway.