Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 16:10 : Major information has been given - Thoughts are going in the right direction

(Q - Palestrina: On the coincidence, I don't have the impression that you said much, in fact that was just why my question was, it wasn't about…)< /i>

MB: I've been giving you major info in everything I've told you for a while now. I have given you major information, which allows me to say that today, the reasoning as a whole has completely evolved. I even remarked the other day that not only have they evolved within the discord, but they have evolved outside of the discord, on the other forums. People no longer think as before, no longer reason as before, and report parameters that they did not take into account before. So it's very interesting, it means that indeed, the work that I have produced is bearing fruit. The reasoning today goes in a much better direction. That's what's important.
I am, put yourself in my place, I cannot function in relation to a specific question from a specific owl. I, I have to rely on what is happening at the level of the Community of Chouetteurs, at least the one with which I am connected, which is already quite representative since today there are more than 4000, Well even if we count a certain number that we have multiple nicknames it doesn't matter, but in any case roughly speaking there are 4000 people connected to the discord, registered on the discord in any case and who are going there from here , from there and in all and who pass one after the other, not all together obviously, so that's a lot of people. And I base myself on what I see in the writings, a lot because the writings are more, how would I say... are, are, are more thoughtful, are more argued than simple vocals and I see very very although the reflections are distributed in the right direction.

(Q - Palestrina: You are speaking to as many people as possible. I say when you say that hunting is progressing, you are speaking globally, you are not talking about 2 or 3 isolated hunters in MP.)

MB: No, no, not at all, no. It's global, but I mean, we are, we are coming out of a very long period where there was a, there was a wrapping around all that, there was a wrapping more precisely which allowed hundreds, even thousands of players to go into totally unthinkable, unimaginable, complex theories, whatever you want, smokey for some and today, we are coming back to things which are much more in line with what would have been must have always been this hunt based on a certain logic ultimately, in the reasoning that I hear today, there is much more logic than in everything that I have seen that has taken place since, over the past fifteen years or around twenty years, admitting that at the beginning, the game was a little less crazy than what it subsequently became, but today, we are really in the right direction. The reasoning is good, the exchanges are of quality, it works well.

(Q - Palestrina: Yeah, we're much more pragmatic.)

MB: Yes, and then you are less in, we are less in the... I mean, there have still been people who have been completely marabouted... For years, years, there are people who were completely, but that's okay, they no longer had their own independent judgment in relation to Max Valentin in this case.
They were on a trip that was completely delirious, and not controlled, that is to say that no one in fact, no one was holding the helm. No more Max Valentin than the Chouetteurs. We were in a completely crazy situation. I see it very, very clearly. Today, it went in all directions because the Chouetteurs had their own perspective and because Max Valentin had his own, which had nothing to do with that of the players. He worked in relation to his personal logic and his personal objectives. And the owls were in their quest and completely dazzled, disturbed by the character of Max Valentin. And so they allowed themselves to get into some crazy things. And today, there aren't many delusions anymore. I find that in the exchanges that take place, there are few crazy things.

(Q - Palestrina: Less and less.)

MB: Yeah, less and less.