Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 12:50 : SS and click - Tintin and Rackham the Red - Put your finger on it, dig

(Q - Palestrina: I just wanted to quickly pick up on the coincidence there, if I understood correctly what you are saying, Michel, it is that hunters see coincidences and therefore create tracks on that, et cetera. And well, I think all the tracks are based on that, but there's something that you said at one point in a vocal, I think it's. Mimi who asks the question. You make the comparison with Tintin? You know, when he arrives in the crypt and he sees the world map and he runs his finger over this world map and there you go, and Mimi says to you Ah Well, there, at that point he's being clever and you hesitate and say no, actually he's not being clever. It's a weird coincidence.)
MB: That is to say, he puts his finger on it at the moment... Okay, so, if we break down exactly what is happening at that moment, it's interesting what you say. If we break it down exactly, he says Well the island, it's there, he puts his finger on it, he has it and then he realizes that the button is pressed.
We are exactly on this mechanism there, you have to put your finger on it and there, you will realize that the button is depressed. Yes, that’s a beautiful image!

(Q - Palestrina: Okay, but so in the game, at a given moment, I will finally, I want to say at the moment of the click, is there something something in the game which is close to coincidence? In fact for us, We will say, Ah, it's curious, it will remind us of something )
MB: You didn't listen to me. You didn't listen to me, you told me, yes, okay, but in the game, you didn't listen to what I just told you.

(Q - Palestrina: You told me, we put our finger on it.)

MB: Yes, but you haven't listened, you don't weigh what that means. You didn't take the time to listen.
You heard, but you did not listen.

(Q - Palestrina: Yes, yes, I understand well. We put our finger on it but.

MB: No, no, no, you haven't understood anything, we put our finger on it, that means, we put our finger on it. You haven't put your finger on it yet. When you put your finger on it, you press and you realize that something is happening, that's exactly it

(Q - Palestrina: Okay, okay, I never said, I didn't, I put…)

MB: You say first, but think, think for a moment, I'm not trying to…, I'm not trying to bite you, eh, I'm just telling you, you are… you you're completely hot there, on the thing. Take a few seconds to think about what I just told you.
I tell you, if you think, you say Ah la la la, and you put your finger on it, you realize that it sinks in, it makes sense. It must have made sense, it means that you construct a reasoning and you realize that then we are going to use another term instead of putting our finger on it and pressing since here we are not quite in the same case, but by digging a little, you realize that there? Yeah. Oh.
Well yes, maybe there is.

(Q - Palestrina: Okay, but I understood well, but in fact my question, my question, is about what happens before. In fact, when you say we build a reasoning, what I would like to know if at the basis of this reasoning it starts from something that we will notice which will catch our eye and something that we could ultimately describe as a coincidence
You understand my question, in fact it's not, it's not what will result behind.)

MB: I understand your question very well, but your question makes me feel like I'm preaching in the desert. You are asking me a question that I have already answered. 50 times, maybe more. I've already answered all of that. I've already answered all that, I've already answered and every time, you bring it up again saying, yes, but does it, does it, does it? , have I already told you all these things.