Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 09:20 : No manipulation of game elements - “Numbers and letters” analogy

(Q - ??: So basically, you meant that things fit together and we'll talk about it for all eternity, because that's the term used in hunting.)

MB: If you like, I've watched it 3 times in my life. Maybe or maybe 4, I don't know, I didn't count them, a show called "Numbers and Letters" which doesn't interest me at all. And when it comes to numbers and we have to find a result with numbers, a series of numbers that is given at the start, we realize that there are people who manage to find things that are close or correct. , by manipulating the numbers, in a certain way, this plus that multiplied by that, et cetera. There are, there are combinations, there are ways of arriving at something and in fact it happens from what I see, in the course of the hunt, it often happens, it's- that is to say that many Owls manipulate, so to speak, use, manipulate, combine things found in the enigmas to arrive at what they think is a solution or a lead or whatever and all these combinations there , in reality, as the game was designed, have no course, there are no elements to combine in an exceptional way. The way the hunt unfolds is basically logical.

(Q - ??: One last question, one last question, then, I'll just stop you because there are still 2 things which have caused a lot of talk, there is this coincidence which the fact that you confirmed that after the sentries we no longer needed the second map What we can translate from this information is that the cache is close to the sentries, do you confirm?)< /i>

MB: No no, but I have nothing to confirm or deny. I think we really need to agree on something.
You have people who are very strong, you have people who are less strong among the cool ones, there are super intelligent people, there are less intelligent people, there are people who have this background, there are people who have other backgrounds. There are people who have one ability, others have completely different abilities and everyone therefore approaches things in their own way. If you are very strong, you take something very heavy, you lift it. If you are not very strong, you take a lever, you take a strap, you take a hoist, you achieve the same result, but not by the same means.
So at the level of the elements of hunting, of the way of finding solutions, of approaching et cetera, of reasoning even. Everyone can use different means, different elements, different supports, draw inspiration from different things from different sources, whatever? There is no absolute rule. I can't answer the way you ask me questions... as if there was a rigorous way of doing things, a cooking recipe of sorts. That's how it is and if you don't respect it it doesn't work, there are different methods, there are different ways of approaching solutions, of approaching an understanding of things. But that also depends on the individual. We are not in a system, we are not in a totally mathematical system, there all the same, there is the human element which intervenes, which intervened at the design level. And which intervenes at the level of the resolution of the hunt because all Owls are different. No two are alike.