Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 07:20 : No coincidences in the hunt

(Q - ??: Okay, no matter. Ok, but then what does this coincidence mean? How could there be a coincidence?)

MB: So in fact, we are… as we speak French and as French is a complex language, with terms which often have several meanings or several habits of use. When we talk about something that coincides exactly, that means that it fits exactly with something else or two elements that coincide exactly, that means that they fit together exactly. Do you agree with that?
And when we talk about coincidence in the meaning generally used by Owlers, it means I found something, it can't be a coincidence. So it can’t be… implied, we’re almost on a synonym for “by chance”. Do you understand what I'm trying to say ? But there are meanings, that's why you have to be careful in what you say. So when I talk about coincidence, about elements that must coincide in the hunt, that means that there are things that fit together… Et cetera, etc. in this or that way, but afterwards, when we talk about players during the game saying it's not possible that it's a coincidence, it doesn't have the same meaning.

(Q - ??: So your meaning was not by chance?)

MB: No, that’s it. On the other hand, when I said earlier there is no coincidence, now I say yes, there is no coincidence, that's what I was using the term in the usual sense of the owls who say it can not be a coincidence, et cetera. There is no coincidence, there is nothing that happens by chance, it's not... there is no thing that sticks by chance like that which is...