Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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16/04/2023 - Enregistrement n° 54 - 05:10 : Syntax - "in all eternity" or "for all eternity"

(Q - ??: Michel, you told yourself 5 minutes ago, there is no coincidence. You mentioned a coincidence that we will talk about for all eternity. You are making the same mistake of syntax that Max Valentin in his Supplementary Indication…)

MB: That’s it then. We recap, we recap. Grandpa has lost the thread. Grandpa has lost the thread, so remind me what syntax error I'm making, what coincidence we're talking about. Remind me of all that.

(Q - ??: You say: There is an even stronger coincidence than if the Bornes Saint-Martin were a coincidence. If the numbers were a coincidence, on the Bornes Saint-Martin and this coincidence it's... we'll talk about it forever. So it's not a very French wording, there's a little syntax error. And Max Valentin spoke about it in the IS of the Tour de France, I would talk about it. I no longer know what he was talking about in all eternity, eh. At no time has anyone said throughout eternity, which would be the a priori normal formulation, 1: is it just a coincidence, there, that's how you expressed it, 2: more important question.)

MB: Tell me, tell me again in all eternity or in all eternity, right?

(Q - ??: Yes, yes, that's rather how we would express things. When we talk about eternity. There, you say for all eternity. And Max Valentin said in all eternity.
MB: Ah yes, “in all eternity”, I don’t know what that means.

(Q - ??: Well, me neither, but neither for all eternity.)

MB: Oh good?

(Q - ??: Well we would say a priori. Throughout eternity.)

MB: Oh good? In all eternity, throughout all eternity. Well OK, I made a mistake, Mea culpa. But hey.