Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 18:30: SS - Use our understanding of previous solutions

(Q - ??: for example for the mechanism to be implemented on the cache to find the stack, we serve as an element, for example I brought together different ones that I remembered, I have a clear idea on how to find the pile-hair, does it work the same way to get from the Sentinels to the cache I'm not talking about leftovers but about things that we have learned, I. I implemented a system to apply it in the field...)

MB : I will stop you immediately. There is nothing to apply that you have understood previous puzzles, we travel, we arrive at a place and something else must happen, the Change of gear, do not establish any correlation between your progress and the Super Solution , it's 2 different things.

(Q - Apollo: we have to use things that we found in other games, obviously?)

MB : you must use your understanding of the solutions to the previous puzzles, your intelligence is sufficient in itself, no need to scan documents, reuse this sentence, this word, this thing, no leftovers, I have never talked about things you did, but things you understood, it's not at all the same. You have understood things, you arrive somewhere and you use what you have understood, no need to reproduce gestures, lines,...nothing to reproduce.
You have understood things, your understanding is enough for you, there you are confronted with a new problem, and there, the understanding that you acquired of the whole of the hunt is enough for you to situate yourself within this new problem, but you don't have to start again, redo the same gestures, the same lines, the same I don't know what, there is nothing to reproduce, there are no leftovers.