Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 01:01:10 :10: Procedure in progress - Hearing of May 2

(Q - Hyperion: There are rumors that you asked to move forward the trial, which were circulating yesterday on the vocals that were said a little by people, that there you are, you would have asked to advance the trial?)

MB: no, but anyway, it’s no use, I don’t have the power to ask for it and even less to obtain it. I asked for the hearing to be postponed, logically, after the death of my lawyer but that's all, I have other lawyers who are working.

(Q - Hyperion: they need time to get into the mood, what?)

MB: there is a hearing tomorrow and that is for the incident hearing, that is to say whether Mr. Crolet's multiple complaints will prompt the judge to put the civil procedure on hold. by to devote himself to criminal matters or not. And on this, no one agrees, everyone has their own opinion, the A2CO, the heirs, Crolet and me, not everyone is of the same opinion so it's the judge who will decide tomorrow.

(Q - Hyperion: I thought it was already done, I thought it had already shifted to criminal law.)

MB: No, no, no, not at all. And it is not at all said that it does, but we will know tomorrow normally.
I don't know, we'll find out.

(Q - Hyperion: yeah so big day tomorrow.)

MB: yeah finally decision I don't know, especially a big day, but it's a decision of the judge, anyway, in all cases, it won't change the face of things eh the game continues.