Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 56:40 : Find - Exogenous, outside hunting - Max was talking about a 15 year old teenager

(Q - Hogan: I heard the word autonomy when you talked about the find there earlier. To understand this find, its level of autonomy, I am with a friend who does not knows nothing at all about hunting, we discuss and I simply tell him that there is a find at the end of the game, and I suggest a brain storm, can he give him a tip and get an idea of ??the find?)

MB: certainly.

(Q - Hogan: Ah, that's interesting. So there is definitely a lock there.)

MB: it's an exogenous find, like an exogenous skeleton, it's really a find, it's a discovery.

(Q - Hogan: okay, he doesn't know anything about the game but he may, by explaining treasure hunts to him, how it happens, have a pirate's trick and he can very well tell me say, have a flash of genius and say to myself well listen, there you go, we can think of this, that, etc.)

MB: it's not necessarily a flash of genius, it's a discovery, even the notion that I said, it's not adapted, it's a discovery. Always a pirate we are not obviously I know well that pirates, there were other morals and other customs, but pirate finds, when we are interested in all that and the way in which certain treasures have been found, the way certain treasure maps were made, which does not mean that there would be a particular treasure map, but in other words, each time, they were finds. It was like we talked a hundred times about aiming through an orifice, which could be the eye of a skull or God knows what, these are discoveries, that's linked to a skull which is nailed to a tree is linked to a pierced rock when it comes to a target and therefore it is a find and there are other finds…
This is the side, it is I think that it is also and probably what made Max write under his sole responsibility, since at the time I did not know the solutions, it is probably what made him made him write that a 15 year old teenager could find it, it was perhaps a little exaggerated, but that's probably what made him write that a 15 year old teenager could find, because that trigger, he is not linked to knowledge, necessarily of adults, and perhaps a more imaginative, fresher, more spontaneous adolescent mind would find something better, it's not impossible. So hunt with your children!

(Q - Hogan: to finish, in other words, he doesn't know the riddles at all but he may have a trick in his head, this trick, this discovery...?)

MB: I feel that it’s a notion that has difficulty getting through your head, eh? Do you want me to repeat it for the 3rd time? Yes!

(Q - Hogan: no, no, no, no, but there you go, it's okay, it's just…)

MB: yes, yes, yes, it’s obviously surprising, it’s surprising, yeah, but it’s true.