Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 52:45 : Treasure hunts - Artistic field - Fashion effect

(Q - ??: a question to the artist, not the organizer, do you think that in 50 years, the field of treasure hunts could be considered an artistic medium, in the same way as cinema or currently video games?)

MB: that's a nice, interesting question, I would say that if I draw a parallel with the great era of Escape Games, they are still fashion phenomena. The treasure hunt, there is still in the treasure hunt part, there is a constant of all times, it has always worked, there have always been buried treasures for various causes or reasons and there has always been people to look for them and to find them, it continues and I think it will continue. Now could it one day be part of artistic disciplines, that's a bit of what you're telling me, or serve as a privileged support for certain forms of artistic expression, I don't know in fact, what I feel is that if I had to do treasure hunts in a sustained manner, as wanted to do or as Max did and illustrate them, make tables related to the enigmas, I would quickly fall in the routine, it would become like making pizzas, I would paint pictures in sequence.
So I'm not sure that the treasure hunting domain or vector can be really very interesting in terms of art expression. That's it, it was interesting in 93, it was exactly the debate that I had with, initially my sponsor friend and which was taken up later with Max, it was to say, is the support of a treasure hunt can allow firstly, it was to introduce the general public to the products of a luxury brand, secondly, it was to introduce the general public to the works of a artist. In terms of luxury brand, luxury product, I think it would surely have worked very well and in terms of artistic production, it's less convincing.