Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 45:40 : Find - Checking solutions

MB: I think that... I'm trying to be honest with you because it's true that for me, I didn't do this..., I didn't have that trigger since I quite simply had the solution but, I still think that when we understand, the find, it is still very possible to find at home. And in any case, it is possible to…, how am I going to say this? It is possible to use the solution verification system, by providing a certain number of elements and thus giving yourself a..., how should I say? a guarantee that the solution we have found or are about to find will be dated and recorded.
This may be a comforting element for a potential winner but despite everything, you know, it is more difficult for me to appreciate, once again because I have not had recourse to all these reflections which are yours , but I still believe that the find is so…, it leads to so much evidence that we can still find it from home.
Besides, to conclude, I say again that if we find, there will be so many, how would I say? enthusiastic, so certain, so stunned at the same time about the solution that it will be difficult not to go there.

(Q - SRA: no but that doesn't prevent you from breaking your beak...)

MB: yes, but here, I'm still trying to tell you that from the moment where in your solutions, there is no this "find" step, there is not the thing which is linked to something and which is not based on reasoning, if you do not have that in your solution, it is very likely that it is not good.