Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 37:00 : Find - Never seen before - Trick in the head

MB: But to really be sure, you have to have gone through the “Find” stage, this discovery that you have to…, the trigger that has to happen, this discovery that you have to stop at, that, I haven't seen it anywhere, I've never seen it.
The finds that I see are things that we find by deduction, by research, we do cross-checking, but here, this find that everyone has been missing for 30 years, is not based on all that. It’s a find that relies on a tip and a trick, it’s not something you can find on a map or in a book or anywhere. It's something that suddenly occurs in the head saying "Ah, what if that were it" and there is a real discovery but which once again, has no anchor in any text and which cannot be deduced from anything.
You have to find it by saying to yourself well what would I have done in Max's place, how I would have functioned, what idea could I have had this side, this pirate discovery, I expressed it So this discovery was never made. And as long as a solution doesn't integrate a discovery like that, it doesn't do it!