Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 34:30 : End of game - example choice between 5 doors - Certainties

(Q - Largo: I wanted to come back to a paradox that bothers a certain number of owls, which is that you clearly said not to travel if you have doubts, if you don't are not completely certain of your area, and at the same time we know that there is a doubt about the ending and you mentioned a final door behind which we find 3,4 or 5 tunnels, so it is this paradox which poses a problem for me question between we must be certain at the end and yet there is a final doubt at the end, can these 3,4 or 5 tunnels be found from our armchair, what is the degree of certainty before moving? )

MB: I would say that for hunting experts, in quotation marks, so people who know perfectly, quite a few theories, etc., who have a very good knowledge of hunting, of all its ins and outs, it seems absolutely to me possible to find and understand and deduce and find the solution from your armchair, it seems possible. But much more likely, it was in this spirit that things were probably designed by Max, much more likely, in the end he will actually have to travel to the site.
But, what is difficult to explain to you and what I feel is that everything I see happening, I see quite a few happening, in terms of solutions or ideas, are based 99% on deduction, on the understanding of 'an element that we find nearby, for some it's a notion of sentinel for others, it's I don't know what, and cross-checks, deductions.