Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 31:00 : Blocking - Help initially planned by Max at the end of the game

(Q - ??: I wasn't saying, Max got you well, I was saying Max got you good, you owls, that's how it was interpreted, as if he Was there a deception, the hunt?)

MB: no, no, I'll come back, it will be a constant in my remarks. I come back to what I said quite recently, which I have said several times moreover, is that Max had, for sure, planned to intervene for the end of the hunt and the only time when I I talked about it with him on the phone, it happened once where he actually said to me, “if ever someone is really on the verge of finding etc., but on the ground, they have a little difficulty , etc…, I don’t rule out going there and possibly giving a little help”… he told me that exactly on the phone. This is exactly what he did with the Orval hunt, in my opinion, this is exactly what happened and I believe he would have done the same for the owl.
The only reason why he didn't do it in reality is a repeat, eh, but I'll tell you again, the only reason why he didn't do that is because the owl had been seized, by his doing, he knew it very well and that he was waiting to have recovered it for the moment to say well well come on, I'll give a little help, a little indication, a little thing and then it will be found what.
And I think it would have been found most likely between 2004 and 2009 where he died. I think in that time frame she would have been found. He would have ensured that it was found in any case, I am convinced.