Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 22:10 : Hunting - Don't take hunting too seriously

(Q - ??: you sprinkled a few elements…)

MB: no, I didn't sprinkle in additional elements or, in addition, I colored it all in a slightly amusing, slightly pleasant form. But because I believe this tone is the best. In fact, there is a problem if we want to go a little further on this remark, there is a recurring problem with many owls, which is that they take things too seriously. It's something that becomes really serious at times, extremely pushed, which is not a joke at all, there are some who take things the wrong way, there are some who think that I say too much... etc., so that takes a very serious turn.
While we are still, despite everything, in a game, even if today it is a little more than a game, it also becomes a real treasure hunt in the end, but that's when even a game and I find that the tone must remain good-natured, must remain a little relaxed and I think that it is by having the mind a little flexible, a little relaxed, without tensing up, without focusing on certainties, which are not always there. I think that by staying like that, a little more open, relaxed, we have a better chance of picking up on things and understanding things.
Hence the tone of this text, I don't take myself seriously, I don't take this whole story seriously. The only thing I really take seriously is respect for the players, that for me is a question of ethics which is fundamental. But beyond that, we must not fall into the… You are not gold prospectors in the depths of Australia, whose survival depends on the nugget that they will find or not. You are people who have situations, who are established, who are structured, let's say, in their way of life, and then you practice this distraction, this game of sagacity, to eventually relax with the hope of winning, it is completely human.
And then to say to yourself the game is worth it, well if I win, it's still going to change my life, all that I can understand, but you still shouldn't take all that seriously, it you have to keep a little distance, a little flexibility in your reasoning and always have your sense of humor, you must always laugh, have fun with it, not try as if your life depended on it.

(Q - ??: so Pierrette is not serious [inaudible]…)

MB: yes, she expresses herself or we talk about her in this little text in a slightly light way, it's a nice tone Pierrette.

(Q - ?? Pierrette has wings…)

MB: it’s bell, which has wings.