Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 22:00 : New IS - Deduction to make, something to understand

(Q - ??: we have to find the moral?)

MB: yes there is a moral in this story, of course. The moral of the story, not the moral, it may very well be the moral, but it is the moral of the story. It has nothing to do, once again with a notion of morality or morality, it's not that at all, but there is a deduction to be made, there is something to understand at the end, as in any fable.

(Q - ??: [inaudible] …)

MB: it’s a summary of what I tried to make you understand, it ties in with this notion.