Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 14:40 : Culture of Max Valentin

(Q - Roc: link with Little Thumb, Charles Perrault, in addition in Père Méhus it said “remember the stories that I told you when you were young and you will find the owl in you funny, I started with Charles Perrault, then I said to myself no I'm going too far, but it intrigued me a lot to see these 2 monuments of culture, they seem linked in this parable…)< /u>

MB: we can think that Max Valentin had this culture anyway, once again he was not a scholar, he was a guy who used the language well, who was an advertising editor, so his approach was systematic way of getting the adrenaline pumping, of creating desire in the buyer, which is a very particular approach, it can be learned, he actually gave courses on this. It was his culture, when we appeal to popular culture, there is an echo in most minds, since it is by definition a culture which belongs to everyone, and everyone has more or knowledge, it can be oral knowledge, it can be bookish knowledge, between the two there are all the nuances, but everyone has more or less knowledge of all that, but we must not model ourselves on this or that. such and such a fable, or such and such a tale, it is not a retelling of a tale or a fable, the story of the Golden Owl, but there is a little echo behind all that which should give you some ideas.