Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 11:40 : New IS - First name Pierrette and Fable format

(Q - ??: and our friend Pierrette for once, it's funny that you chose a fable, people hesitate to know if we're talking about Pierrette, the owl or if we're talking about the third anyone?)

MB: you’re a smartass, you always try to do it to me… “and if I asked you the following question”, what would you answer…Pierrette, it’s funny Pierrette…

(Q - ??: I said to myself that it was people talking about Pierrette doing somersaults…)

MB: I said to myself, fortunately her name is not Thérèse, I would have had trouble making rhymes. No, but it's true when I laugh, I laugh, but you shouldn't look for meaning in Pierrette's somersaults, it was just a touch of humor, a gratuitous rhyme.
But it's true that the evocation of La Fontaine's fable is quite funny, because it's a bit what you need in fact, it's this reframing and the way to do it is not to add enigma to enigma is to add meaning, even a little hidden, we still have to look for it, but to add meaning to things which perhaps lacked a little until present.

(Q - ??: but I still find there is a beautiful parallel with La Fontaine's poem...)

MB: yeah but La Fontaine he copied too, there was Aesop, there were others who made fables, the notion of fable is a tradition, there is a traditional side, it was repeated, sometimes with nuances or differences but not everything was invented, it's a bit like the proverb fables, it goes back to a popular tradition, it's really part of the collective imagination and therefore it speaks to the collective imagination, that was also the goal of my text, it was to place it in a content that evokes something for everyone.