Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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01/05/2023 - Enregistrement n° 56 - 00:00 : New IS - Importance and positive effects

(Q - ??: [start of vocal] … to put people back on the right track, I found it nice, it has lots of different levels in your text and then everyone sees what 'he wants... we can create our own coincidences, each according to their zone, but that's what's also difficult with your text, but...)

MB: in any case it is the result of 2 years of exchanges and understanding on my part, of learning, so in that it is interesting, and in any case it is essential, for those who have the ambition to find, it is essential to take it into account, it is really very important, very, very important and it is true that at the same time I am already starting to see, even knowing better how to exchange with you, I am starting to to see that even there it is still not that easy to communicate, but I repeat overall, I had said it before for various reasons, and since the publication of this text, it is certain that the reflections are becoming more more relevant.
Obviously I'm speaking in a general way, I can't cite anyone in particular.