Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 01:08:40 :40: Cache - Non-plant landmarks - Sufficient and fairly precise elements

(Q – FrenchJarno: if someone manages to find what is the super solution or the final riddle, we call it what we want, are there any problems for the then apply on the ground? Because the land, given that it is sold as being a fairly ordinary piece of land, it is not easy to find landmarks which are other than plants, what?)

MB: No, there’s no problem finding it! Plant landmarks, you have to get that out of your head. In 30 years, the plant markers would have completely changed, they cannot be markers.

(Q – FrenchJarno: I understand that well. But so once we remove the plants from any land, well there may be a few rocks left but there is not much else that's all.
(Q - nlc: Michel, is the beauty of the solution not just that rocks in nature are still quite irregular, a shape is succeeding in have a nanometric thing with markers which apparently remain, well seem really blurry, well not precise?)
(Q – Gringos: we really need a precise marker on a big rock, we can't do…)

MB: the beauty of the solution is very relative to the beauty of the discovery. I repeat to you and I know exactly what I am referring to, that what gives today the extraordinary dimension, an extraordinary dimension to this hunt which will really give it all its luster, all its beauty, is the fact that 'it's been going on for 30 years and you, the owls have done what they've done...

(Q - ??: of course, but what I meant by that is that we now know, you also specified, that the precision is incredible in terms of localization . You talked about pinheads and everything and we know very well that in nature there is nothing precise in the form of a pinhead. So okay, but making imprecise markers, we arrive at. do something very specific.)

MB: Well, we are going to be completely human, normal and logical. In theory, the super solution gives an extremely precise point, so a point is a point, by definition, it doesn't even have a surface, it's the cache. And as the owl still has a certain wingspan, even if the point is a few millimeters or a few centimeters away, that won't prevent you from being on it. So I mean when I say a few millimeters or a few centimeters it could be an error of interpretation, of that and of application on the ground. But from the moment we're on it, we're on it, we shouldn't either…

(Q - nlc: of course, what I meant is that rocks are irregular, so to still be able to determine at a precise location, with a sighting system, of rope or I don't know what, well it still requires having smooth marks. Well, smooth without irregularity or I don't know what. Well yes, it's really a headache for us, eh? )

MB: there are reference elements, which are reference elements which are sufficient and quite precise, indeed to find that.