Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 01:05:00 :00: SS - Words to find

(Q – Xavier: a question for someone who doesn't have a microphone. Maybe once or twice you said that in the super solution, there were words to find, so you still confirm where I misunderstood at the time You talked about words to find in the super solution?)
MB: so, the principle which consists of asking me a question while affirming that I said that would require us to cite the sources…

(Q – Xavier: well, you simply said yes, indeed, there are words to find in the super solution. There you are, you said that and then it could be anything what. Be careful, we are not asking you for details where we find them.
(Q - ??: Let me just say, it wasn't really exactly that, we could express it in words...)
(Q – Xavier: no, no that's not it, I know that one well. The thing was good, how can I put it, there is someone else who can surely confirm, it was how to say I already talk about it enough with someone else who and it was said there are words to find in the great solution…)
(Q - ??: yes and words which were perhaps no longer quite used today…)
(Q – Xavier: there you go, there it was, it was something like that, there was definitely this thing that there are words to find. Afterwards, it was perhaps in a other context. Now you can say, we're not asking you…)

MB: I'm lucky, I'm much luckier than you, I've reached the age where I can allow myself to remember what I've read. Which can be practical. In this case, I'm not going to do that, the question is, are there words to find in the super solution, right? “Are there words to find in the super solution”?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, there are definitely words, yes, there are definitely words to find.
This is not what mainly characterizes the super solution. It's on another level.

(Q - nlc: it's an understanding, it's something that we understand, if you know that you have to look into your eye in a hole to see in the distance, et cetera. Well, there you go, it's something that you understood but there aren't necessarily any words.
(Q – Gringos: Yeah but there are people, they will say wait, if we find words, they were leftovers, what is he saying? Well it’s a little borderline…)
(Q - Xavier,: it's not borderline, it means that for example, to be clear, it means that you could have in the super solution a kind of pseudo decoding or whatever what where who, or a sentence or anything, that explains it to you. “Come on now, here we go, do that, go to there and go to there. it's not something like leftovers…)
(Q - ??: here's to roughly define a comparison, well Masquerade at the end I find a sentence and this sentence is made up of words…)< br />