Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 59:10 : SS - comparison with the "Masquerade" hunt

(Q - ??: I have a question about this discovery, this famous trick, a great find from Max Valentin. Would you compare it with the discovery of Masquerade, a great solution, would you have said the same thing? Was it a great find, a great tip?)

MB: ah well Masquerade was a great find. I think there wouldn't have been any leaks, it would have been a superb hunt, it would have been absolutely magnificent. It’s still a great idea. Concerning our business, I think that we will be... because in fact if we take Masquerade, the illustrations have a very important role in the construction, perhaps more than the illustrations that I was able to do, myself, for the owl, which from the start by Max were considered as a slightly ancillary, somewhat related element, some more important than others, but hey, whereas in Masquerade it is decisive.
But in the case that concerns us, because well, the parallel with Masquerade, it goes to a certain point, but it's not either... we're not talking about Masquerade, we're talking about the owl. In the case that concerns us, I believe that Max Valentin's culture, which is the same as mine, roughly when he was a kid, Tintin, Treasure Island, all those things. I think that played a big role in the idea he had and the way he built this last solution