Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 44:40 : Expression - in full in the texts

(Q – Kleptomaniac: we agree, you repeated it, it’s an expression that we don’t see in the texts?)

MB: first of all, we rarely agree, it's an expression that is found literally in the texts.

(Q – Kleptomaniac: yes, there it is, and we don't see it, we understand, we don't see it.)

MB: the expression, between us, there are quite a few expressions that are found in full in the tables anyway.

(Q - Kleptomaniac: that's it exactly, but you did say that we didn't see it, the review, we only see that, that's it, it was just to emphasize that .)

MB: you don’t see what’s happening…or…no, what should be happening…

(Q - ??: it's in front of our noses, under our noses.

MB: Well yes eh!

(Q - ??: are the words of the expression contiguous in the text, or are they possibly separated by commas, line breaks or periods?)< /i>

MB: listen to me, between the enigmas of 30 years ago and someone today who tells you, there is an expression to find, you mustn't joke all the same, you don't want me to spell it… to make sure we understand correctly, calm down, calm down, I can't go any further, it's good to have tried!

(Q - ??: can we find the expression if we are not at the right one?)

MB: I heard it, eh, if I let it pass it’s because I didn’t want to answer it eh. No, but stop, but stop. Do you realize what you are doing? You are totally underestimating your own mental abilities.
The more I give you and the more you ask of me, but the more I give you, the more you should think, not ask me to comfort you in your thoughts.
Grab your brains with both hands, go for it!

(Q - ??: but the more we think, the more we have new questions, is that totally normal?)

MB: well frankly, the field of possibilities has been reduced over the past year.

(Q – Xavier: even since then, the expression has been reduced, the expression goes from 15 to 3, go on and on.)
(Q - ??: in any case I see that when it comes to the guessing game, we're pretty bad eh...)
(Q - yeah very bad, yeah we don't know how to ask the questions maybe...)

MB: no, I'm not saying that, no, no, we have a major adversary in front of us, Max Valentin was not half a portion either, he was still a communicator, I would say quite seasoned , so, he designed something for us which is not... it's not sub-quality, it's well done, he worked on his thing so it's normal that there is all that around, but all the same, the fact that today I induced new elements, I communicated new notions, does not mean that we must stop thinking and that we must stop being a little bit brilliant.

(Q - ??: are we looking for the expression, if we ask ourselves the right question which will give us the right answer?)

MB: by looking for what?

(Q - ??: the expression, will we ask ourselves the right question that will allow us to find the right answer.)

MB: by searching for the expression, you greatly increase your chances of finding the great solution.

(Q - ??: in relation to the question, you were talking a few months ago about asking the right question, so is there a connection between this expression and the right question which would allow us to find the right answer to find the super solution?)

MB: I'm a little desperate at times, don't blame me. But like you I have seen these science shows where we see how in a transparent plexiglass maze we teach rats to move from one box to another and they end up finding the little box more and more quickly. in which there is a piece of cheese. But damn, that's what you're doing but you're a pain, I'm giving you important stuff and you're trying to get more out of me.

(Q - ??: I'm not trying to get more out of you at all, I'm trying to understand...)

MB: understanding must come standing up but listen…

(Q - ??: I wanted to point out that in this maze, there is no ceiling, they tend to climb the walls to find the cheese…)
(Q - ??: there are scales too.)

MB: This is exactly what you are doing. You try to climb the walls and so you ask…
But wait, wait, keep your common sense and your cool all at once. I can't answer questions like that. I must keep my distance and take basic precautions so as not to undermine the game. You are leading me in a direction or if I respond…