Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 38:40 : Click - Orientation and advancement

(Q – Gringos: we did our homework, we listened to you, people were very generous, we all got down, we said good, we saw the expressions again, we reviewed them, we therefore concluded at 80% that the expression was the review. I said to myself what we do with these figures, there is a soldier who intervened, he told me, well, in review, we are also going to classify from largest to smallest, so I had fun classifying the numbers from largest to smallest. They told me too, but Michel. , he said, we could say the numbers orally, what was funny is that it's a bit like the language of birds, 717 for example, it's a placemat, you see, I note that the number 7 while I have 717, I wondered if Max could have made a literary riddle with numbers, you couldn't answer that either, so do you think we burn a little there all?)

MB: [laughs] it had to come out, eh, it’s stronger than you, eh?

(Q – Gringos: I think we're burning and you know it and it must be very hard for you to keep the secret just as it's very hard for us not to understand.)
(Q - ??: Gringo, reverse the numbers and it makes a sentence…)
(Q – Gringos: I didn't manage to do that, but already, if we say that the review is correct, well we will put the numbers in order but because we still don’t know to this day if they are in order or not…)
(Q – nlc: in the specifications we are told these are numbers, they are all independent a priori and order 57 does not matter…)< br /> (Q – Gringos: so we can conclude that there is not an order to be reestablished anyway, as the 2 versions are independent and the basic conclusion as Michel would say, is that it there is an order to be reestablished, I think.)
(Q - ??: Gringos, how do you know it's not 1075?)
(Q – Gringos: I have no idea, but when we don't know, we try. But the question is, does it help us to say orally and Michel said yes and I think it's crazy because I had fun writing the numbers in full with small pieces of paper, mixing them up and we get, we get snippets of words , what, like "it's a set of" you understood the delirium So my question is just, what is the answer of 7172 please? not a question, it's a report, it's that we all, that's it, we agree at 80% that the expression... we eliminated everything and that's our review. is sad is that it's been 30 years since the review, the old owls broke their heads over it, it didn't lead to anything so we say to ourselves well in fact we're happy but we're not moving forward really.)

MB: So the first question I was asked was, are we burning? I'm going to answer you and believe me I'm not giving Normand's answer, I'm trying to answer in such a way that it can, if necessary, be useful to you. Burning, when we use this notion, means that we are approaching. Do I burn, you burn, you freeze, you move away, you come all when we play it, we will say, in general, unity is the step, we walk , we take a step forward, a step back, I burn, I freeze, etc.
If we go to half-step and then to quarter-step and then to meter and then to half-meter and then to centimeter, and then to millimeter and then to nanometer we can-we can burn, burn, burn, burn like that , for a long time without being quite on it. This is my answer.

(Q - ??: thank you for this answer, so we are at the 10th of a millimeter, is that what you are saying?)

MB: sorry? what are you saying?

(Q - ??: We are at the 10th of a millimeter…)

MB: I even went as far as nanometers, but I didn't say that you were there!

(Q – nlc: at 2 nanometers, you burn, but you are not there yet…)
(Q - ??: this is the image of the integral…)
(Q – nlc: you have it, you don't have it, it's binary, it's if you're not at the nanometer, it's nanometer next to it, well you burn, but you are not on it for example…)

MB: we sometimes see these games where we are blindfolded and with our hands we touch someone's face, we try to guess who it is or a sculpture, we touch it with our fingertips, we try to find out what sculpture it is, very few succeed, because they can't see, yet they have their hands on it, eh!