Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 32:30 : Reperes - A bench is not a human construction

(Q – Chevalier de Borda: so on this subject, last night, we did our homework last night. Collectively we searched a lot for the expression and therefore there were many theories which emerged and we learned a lot of things, historically and so on, and in particular there was a blockage that occurred at one point in the application of certain expressions, since we were confused because of something very stupid, that is. It's human constructions including the history of benches because benches are found almost everywhere.
And as a result it blocked most of us in our reasoning to relate it to expressions. So we wanted to know if you confirmed that a bench is a human construction.)

MB: you are terribly annoying, if someone one day talks to you about a bench as a human construction, what face will you make?

(Q – Xavier: well that’s what I answered for myself, no.)

MB: I sat down, in the square, I sat on a human construction! Oh yeah?
we, I mean, you have to calm down, you have to calm down and stop worrying about this. I just indicated because I think it could be important in the process, the elements that you may need to take into account. I just indicated because in this I came closer to the once again smoky, unclear side of the said ones where this notion had been mentioned. I said a human construction is from the moment when materials are assembled, constructed, built, it is a human construction.
Well, a chair is not a human construction, it's an object, a bench, I don't know what, a piece of furniture, it's not a human construction, when we talk about construction, we're talking about stone, we talk about buildings, we talk about elements like that, I think we all agree on that.

(Q - Xavier: it came from a good story, we're not going to quote in a place x, at one time there was no bench and one day a few years later, there was a bench and at that moment we said but if you can't anyway because a bench is a human construction, there's no point looking, there, it's is a human construction so I had a doubt…)